Petite initiative culturelle
Lettre type : Petite initiative culturelle. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 11 Novembre 2014 • Lettre type • 399 Mots (2 Pages) • 611 Vues
To: Joshua Hunter (Head Manager of the Credit Department)
From: Omar Imakor (Human Resources Manager)
Date: 10/11/2014
Re: A Small Culture Initiation
It is a great pleasure to receive you at Real Estate Venture Inc. next week on Monday. We believe that your transfer will have a big impact on the proper conduct of future investment. I was made aware that you received all instruction concerning the ongoing projects, and the protocol set by the previous credit manager. However, my role in this memorandum is to cover a sensitive point you should be aware of and prepared for before settling in Poland. Following the request of the CFO my goal will be to give you a summary of what culture differences and conflict you may encounter when working in this environment.
English and Polish corporate culture diverge in many ways. As soon as you will arrive to the company you will be in competition with people; however, competition in Poland as opposed to England is based on your social status rather than the work you perform. Moreover, as a young head manager, you may find difficulties with some of your subordinates that will be older than you. Further, they will not recognize you as their boss; hence, you may have to work on gaining their respect. Do not try to make friends or speak to your subordinates as if you are talking to your peers; the power distance in this culture is high. You will be talk to very formally, and may not be given critical pessimistic information about performance. Furthermore, it is not a good idea to bring your personal life subjects into the workplace; polish people tend to see the office as a place for work only and do not identify to it. Your employees will not trust you and your superior may see you as a threat, but worry not they will get used to you anyways. Finally, I am aware that people in England tend to compliment more than necessary. It is the exact opposite situation in Poland; you will be mainly criticized and will not receive positive feedback on any good job you are doing.
This is not a discouragement message, but rather a reminder that may prepare you to the conditions in which you are going to start work; I hope this was helpful. Please feel free to contact me if a problem of this kind ever occurs.