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Les trois formes d'organisation du travail : Taylorism, Fordism, Toyotism.

Dissertation : Les trois formes d'organisation du travail : Taylorism, Fordism, Toyotism.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Octobre 2014  •  493 Mots (2 Pages)  •  7 694 Vues

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I. Introduction

My presentation will focus on the three main modes of work organization that appeared during the course of the twentieth century. At the beggining of the twentieth century we can see some major changes in the work organization. It moves from an old organization, where people works in small businesses or handicrafts were autonomous in them tasks, to an organized and framed structure.

II. Definition of various forms of work organization

A) Taylorism

Taylorism is an organizing principle of the work developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the early twentieth century and it’s about a scientific organization of work (OST) introduced in a objective of productivity. This organization defines itself by an horizontal division (the simplest possible division of employments) and a vertical division of work (separation between conception and realization) and by a remuneration established on the criterion of productivity.

The consequences are an increase of the productivity, an increase of the profits, an increase of wages but also unfortunately an increase of the frustration of the workers because they seen that they are dispossessed of their work (they are restricted to a single spot) .

B) Fordism

Fordism is an organizing principle of the work developed by Henry Ford in 1908 which corresponds in a modern economic and social system based on industrial mass production. This organization defines itself by an horizontal division and a vertical division of work as to Taylor but it is necessary to add the conveyor, by a standardization of products which allows mass production ( therefore economies of scale ) and by an increase of wages ( 5 dollars a day against 3 before ) in order to limit the turn-over.

The consequences are the same as taylor, except that productivity is even stronger, that prices down thanks to economies of scale, and that the deskilling of workers and their frustration grows faster (they are now controlled by the rate of the chain). This is what will lead to crisis of Fordism

C) Toyotism

Toyotism is an organisation principle of work developt by Taiichi Ono in 1962. This organisation defines itself by two main principles : the principle of just in time (JIT) which consist to minimize stocks ( the steering is done by consumers) and the principle of five zeros which advocates zero breakdown, zero delay, zero paper, zero inventory and zero defects. However, this system generates a lot of stress. Toyotism appears as an ideal model in terms of productivity, however, its implementation is difficult and companies that have tried to apply have failed.

III. Conclusion

Today's models have evolved, working conditions are better for workers and they generally have more responsibility and autonomy. However, we can still see in specific works ( fast food for example ) a lot of stress and a feeling of insecurity because everything is controlled, everything must be done quickly, and because the organization of work is increased by the NTIC : this idea corresponds to a new mode of organization derived from Fordism and called “ néo-fordism”.


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