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USA SLEPT Analysis

Dissertation : USA SLEPT Analysis. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Avril 2013  •  793 Mots (4 Pages)  •  773 Vues

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• Political:

United States is a country that has a stable, established, and democratic political system. It has strong legal system that monitors economical transactions. Even though their expansionary fiscal policies lead to an increase budget deficit, it still encourages exports from countries that show a potential economical development; especially in North Africa, where Morocco reflects a real example since June 2004 when Morocco and the United States signed a free trade agreement that entered into force on the 1st of January 2006. It is a way to enhance the diplomatic and economic relationship of between Morocco and the US. It is a way to support the significant economic & political reforms between the two countries.

On the other hand, marketing ethics are of paramount importance in the American business environment. In fact, 76% of Americans state that the lack of ethics in b business sales people contributes to reducing societal morale standards. The United States governments focus on the idea that both parties should be better off after the transaction. The right to safety, the right to be informed, the right to chose and the right to be heard are very important. Our company will emphasize on analyzing the code of ethics so as to be able to avoid any misunderstanding by establishing a formal statement of ethical principles and rules of conduct.

In the United States, the US Department of the Treasury is the entity that is responsible for analyzing and treating the current prospective economical development and world economies; and assisting in the determination of appropriate economic policies.

To export our product, the is providing us with resources from across the U.S. Government to assist businesses in planning their international sales strategies and succeed in today’s global marketplace.

Religion is not addressed in the American constitution. Every American has the right to choose his/her own religious beliefs. 78.2% of Americans are Christians, 0.6% are Muslims, 0.4% are Hindu, 0.7% are Buddhists, 2% are Jewish, and 16.2% claim they have no religion. Hence, we believe that religious beliefs won’t impact the perception of our product in our target market.

The US government is involved in every trade agreement since its sets the tariffs and the regulations. In addition, the FDA plays an important role when it comes to exporting a comestible to the US. We will check the FDA regulations concerning cereal products because Couscous is a grain product with no expiration date.

• Economic:

The inflation rate in the United States was recorded at 1.70 percent in December of 2012. Inflation Rate in the United States is reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Food accounts for 14 percent of total index. Hence, it opens a doors for foreign products such as our herbal couscous.

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the United States contracted 0.10 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012 over the previous quarter. GDP Growth Rate in the United States is reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The United States has one of the most diversified and most technologically advanced economies in the world. Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, leasing, health care, social assistance, professional, business and educational services account for more than 40 percent of GDP.


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