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Streamers In Action

TD : Streamers In Action. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Février 2017  •  TD  •  401 Mots (2 Pages)  •  618 Vues

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Streamers In Action

What's a streamer ?

For everyone who don't know what is a streamer, it's someone who streams video games live for an audience. Entertaining streamers can make money through viewer donations and advertising merchandise on their stream. Popular streamers can have upwards of 20,000 viewers. Usually the streamer speaks to the viewers on micro and camera and the viewers can respond through a dedicated chat channel. 

Who are we ?

So, the S.I.A (Streamers In Action) is a group of streamers. We created a stream website to help the lemurs of Madagascar. The S.I.A was founded one year ago when a famous streamer watched a video of maltreated lemurs with terrible life condition, in live, in front of a lot of viewers. He talked about that during his stream and then he called five of his friends, who are also streamers. After, we decided to something about it. We think the stream video games is a good way to catch the attention of people because today, it takes a large place in the society. And also because before creating the website, we already had a big community, around 10 000 viewers each other. It's not nothing ! We wanted to tell a message to our viewers that there are also animals, cute animals in this world who lives very bad and we need to helps them and take action because those animals are endangered.

What we do ?

Like we said just before, we stream video games. We tried to stream frequently but some of us are studying yet. To make up for lost time we didn't stream, we make stream of 24 hours. But, the thing we didn't say before is you too can stream on the website. If you're a video games player, take your micro and camera and show us your skills. Do your best to persuade viewers to make donations. We try to develop the website as best as possible either that it is more beautiful and more presentable. We are on the good way to make our association, an important association.

What can you do ?

It's really simple ! Visit us on our website and watch our stream. You can be a member for as $4.99 and broadcast your own stream. Don't forget, you do this for animals, you make donations for animals. Think about that and let's make, together, animal's life, a better life for them !


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