Répondre brochure sur la communication
Analyse sectorielle : Répondre brochure sur la communication. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Olastre81 • 27 Avril 2015 • Analyse sectorielle • 2 391 Mots (10 Pages) • 849 Vues
Answer Booklet (15%)
[ /100 marks]
This is the Answer Booklet where you have to write down your answers after reading the assignment. Once it is completed, you must send this file to your tutor through the Evaluations section of the course website.
(Telephone Conversation) [ /15 marks]
Complete Part 1 of the Assignment before continuing. You must complete both your oral part and this booklet before sending this booklet to your tutor.
Below, the Evaluation Grid for Oral Assignment by which you will be evaluated.
1. Task requirements
·1 Student presents a situation, describes events, people involved, student’s involvement, and details.
·2 Student responds to questions, asks two questions, closes conversation properly.
·3 Length: 5 minutes
(Your tutor will take off one mark if the conversation is less than 4 minutes long. If your conversation is too short—less than 3 minutes—or not related to the subject, you will lose 50% off the total of the oral evaluation.
2. Communication /3
·4 Fluent: no hesitation /1
·5 Interactive: active participation by student with adequate reactions
to speaker and dialogue /2
3. Clarity and coherence of information and ideas /2
·6 Logical, well-chosen ideas /1
·7 Clear message, easily understood by a non-expert native speaker
(This means your tutor understands your conversation easily.) /1
B. FORM /10
1. Vocabulary /4
·8 Appropriateness—tone and level of formality
(No use of slang terms) /0.5
·9 Related to the subject of “Ethics at work”
(You should have used three vocabulary words from the list included at the end of Unit 5 in your Course Book.) /1.5
·10 Varied and interesting, not repetitive
(You avoid redundancy.) /1
·11 Appropriateness of vocabulary
(No word-for-word translation. Also, your tutor will take off 0.5 mark every time you use an incorrect word, up to 1 mark.) /1
2. Grammar /4
·12 Accurate use of verb tenses
(See the marking codes for verb tenses for Assignment 4: T1 to T12.)
·13 Possessives (poss)
·14 Pronouns (pn)
·15 Question and negative forms (qf + nf)
(Your tutor will take off 0.5 mark for every mistake you make in any of the categories above, up to 4 marks.)
3. Pronunciation /2
(Your tutor will take off 0.5 mark every time you do not pronounce a word properly, up to 2 marks.)
Total: /15
Tutor’s Comments
[ /20 marks]
TO: The Ethics Committee
Call 1 Call 2
People involved The drama students are the people concerned. students and employees who are paid under the table.
[ /1 mark] [ /1 mark]
The workplace At the theatre Restaurant
[ /0.5 mark] [ /0.5 mark]
of ethical issue raised
by the situation Don is practically harassed by a director of a film which he is an actor. Don is not gay and he does not know how to explain to the guy in question. Ethically speaking, Don does not want to take it to a homophobic or anything like that. He also afraid of not being selected for the role if it is not what the director wants, he is afraid for his career. Martin does not feel draw sheet to lie to a person who works with him. His employer hires people and pays the below table, which is the first ethical problem of the situation. It is illegal to hire people and not to report to the government. But the major problem with this is the fact that Martin has to lie to cover a colleague. This person has no phone at his home and receive calls at work. It also risks being cut off electricity by hydro quebec. In short, this person asked to lie martin lorsqu'hydroquebec call the restaurant. He feels bad and finds that it should not do so even if "everybody does it".
[ /2 marks] [ /2 marks]
Recommendation I recommend Don to be honest with this person. I do not believe that being honest it's going to ruin his career or even the role he covets. I would take the time to sit down with the person and explain my sexual preference, nothing too complicated. I suggest martin simply tell that person to arrange with his problems. It's not up to him to lie and invent history that are not true. If it is not able to take responsibility and to start paying HydroQuebec, too bad for him.
[ /4 marks] [ /4 marks]
Total [ /7.5