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Unscripted - End the script

Résumé : Unscripted - End the script. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Septembre 2021  •  Résumé  •  10 120 Mots (41 Pages)  •  390 Vues

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The script is today’s Matrix. It is a framework which was created to keep you where you are. It is modern day slavery. In the film “The Matrix”, Neo realizes that most people on earth are living in an imaginary world. A virtual reality which is fed to us by a parasitic machine species. This virtual reality is distracting humans from the harsh truth. Our script is the socially trained narrative which has been fed to us since childhood. It includes the following myths:

  • To become successful, you ought to attend school. There you must achieve high grades and then get a college degree.
  • People who are wealthy are so due to their luck.
  • Rich people are often shady
  • Age of retirement is 65 once you have worked hard for a nice firm
  • Compound interest is the mantra to wealth
  • You must follow your passion
  • Starting your venture is risky. Instead, put your savings in a 401k or bank.

Seeders preach such myths. They do this to make you into an M.O.D.E. Citizen. That is, mediocre, obedient, dependent, entertained and lifeless.


Unscripted Summary

The core idea of the book Unscripted was clear. When it comes to your money, there are three kinds of people in the world. The sidewalkers, the slowlaners, and the fastlaners.

Sidewalkers live paycheck to paycheck. They never manage to save anything. Such people are financial disasters.

Slowlaners manage to save something and might become rich eventually. But, their approach takes too much time. Sometimes, even their whole life. Consider a manager earning $80k/year who retires after investing in 401k for 30 years.

Fastlaners become rich. But, their approach is much different than slowlaners. These people can retire before 40. And maybe much younger too.

In the modern day, social media is trending. We wonder if MJ DeMarco knew how exact his model of the world will become now. There are apps like SnapChat, Instagram, and many more now. Through these kids are becoming wealthy even before they turn 20. This is the Fastlane to wealth.

After reading this book, the instant decision was to become a fastlaner. Many people are entrepreneurial. But this book gives a serious model to turn their dream into reality.

The book is “Unscripted: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship.” And this is “The Millionaire Fastlane” on steroids.

This 400+ pages book is a whole playbook for financial independence. It includes everything. From the first tryst with entrepreneurship to managing your millions. It is sarcastic, hilarious and full of swearing. But, it is spot on in so many ways.

Why it’s Awesome?

How are sidewalker, slowlaner and fastlaner different?

Some may say it is intelligence. Others would call it luck. The rest will say their place of birth. These answers are mostly slowlaners and sidewalkers. For them the problem is external.

But, if you speak with a real fastlaner, he/she will tell you all this is rubbish.

The real problem is you.

But, it is not your mistake for the reasons you believe. It is not that you do not hold the correct education. Or that your job is not right. Not even having the wrong parents.

It is your script.

Yes. Every human being has a script to follow. But, we do our best to cross the T’s and dot the I’s. Never do we go off-roading the script.

What is a script?

A script is a series of mental norms. When the traffic light is red, stop. Or, when Keeping Up With The Kardashians airs, watch.

The script is universal. It rules how you speak, what you wear. Anything and everything one can think of. And for the majority of us, we did not select it.

This is the essence of MJ DeMarco’s idea in Unscripted. Your money issues are not about your life issues. Instead, they are regarding your script.

The script is imposed by others and ultimately yourself. This is akin to a zombie virus. It uses its host to expand its presence.

The script need not be visible. Knowing that it was merely a script, will diminish its power on you. Its presence maintains itself through illusion and self-deception.

Slowlaner, Sidewalker, and Fastlaner

While growing up, you may have heard that the wealth comes from a great job. And also, by saving for retirement. This is a script. And, if you followed it, you would become a slowlaner.

But, perhaps you were told that being rich is for snobby people. For the elite who cheat others. Hence, the only answer which makes sense is to stay poor. This makes you a sidewalker.

To be a fastlaner requires you to let go of this old script. It is high time you go rogue off the script. Become Unscripted.

MJ says that the onset of this journey starts with “Fuck This” event. This is the lowest of your low. Perhaps you get expelled. Or maybe you get terminated from the job you did for 15 years. The agony of following the script eventually turns worse than discarding it.

Now you are on your own. Maybe an entrepreneur. But, you are in untested waters. Perhaps you have no idea of the real path. People around you may think what is wrong with you. But, slowly, you will start building your financial freedom.

This new life demands new bearings. New systems for how to act. Below are few of them which MJ suggests:

Giving Value

The Scripted are fascinated with the result. What is my salary? Is this coat on sale? Will I look cool wearing it?

Conversely, the Unscripted know that the heart of entrepreneurship is to solve problems. And focusing on that only.

Yes, the final aim of the Unscripted is financial independence. Hence, you will seek ways to earn money. But, in the micro, your focus is on giving to others.

MJ has a complaint with “bro-marketing.” He uses this term to explain the modern concept of internet marketers. These marketers try to get rich by gaming the system. They try to sell a rubbish e-book with a professional copy. There is no value in their offering, only strategy.

Ironically, such bro-marketers never get wealthy anyway. Their selfishness and laziness restrict them for creating something valuable. This same laziness restricts them from successfully selling their lousy book.


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