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Fiche : Homeopathy. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Mars 2017  •  Fiche  •  480 Mots (2 Pages)  •  586 Vues

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Today, we will speak about a very contentious form of alternative medicine. As you might have guessed already, I talk about homepathy. What is it ? It’s a natural form of medicine used by over 200 million people worlwide. The national Health Service in the UK spends about 4 millions pounds a year on these kind of treatments. Homeopathy was invented by Samuel Christian Hahnemann over 200 years ago. He’s a german physician who had become dissatisfied with the medicine of his day. Homeopathy’s promise is based on a few interesting ideas. The first idea is that « like cures like ». For the story, for many years Hahnemann’s search was unsuccessful until he stumbled upon what he thought was an amazing observation: he took a small amount of cinchona bark, which contains quinine, the drug used to treat malaria, and developed the symptoms of malaria. From this observation he developed homeopathy’s first law, “similia similibus curentur,” or let likes be cured by likes. It is something that produces symptoms in a healthy person, makes a sick person healthy. So like caffeine, a molecule taht keeps people awake, might be used to treat people with insomnia but only if caffeine is diluted to very small amounts. And that the second promise, the more dilute the remedy, the more potent it is. Indeed, homeopathy treatments are made after lot of dilution. Something might be diluted 1 in a hundred 30 times in a solution of water or sugar. Medicine doses are based on the centesimal or C scale. A 2C dilution requires a substance to be diluted to one part in one hundred and then some of that mixture being diluted again to one part in a hundred. So basically you wind up with one part of the original substance in 10000 parts of the solution. This is made  so that  all the toxic effects of the extract or compound are removed. And this process can be repeated. At thirdly, the illness is specific to the person . Homeopahty treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating their own healing ability. A homeopath selects the most appropriate medicine based on the individual's specific symptoms and personal level of health. Otherwise , Basically the plant or animal extract is so diluted that there’s almost no molecules which left. The ide ais that after each dilution the extract and water, goes through succussion which activates the vital energy of the extract. But according to homeopathic theory the more diluted it is the more potency it has Homeopaths believe that water retains the memory of that extract. Why do we use Homeopathy ? Homeopahty is used for preventing and healing respiratory issues, allergies, gastrial troubles, cardiovascular diseases, bone diseases, stress and anxiety  Do you think that homeopathy may be an alternative to other usual treatments ?


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