Second amendement
Fiche : Second amendement. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Dimitri Jur • 18 Février 2016 • Fiche • 277 Mots (2 Pages) • 678 Vues
The second amendment was writting during the War of Independence (1774-1791). It says that the United States need a « well-regulated militia » to the security of the country because at this time the country was hostile. But how can a militia be regulated ? Maybe by the city authority or by other associations. In this amendment the United States claim to be as being a democracy (« a free state »). They are more liberal with arms than France and today it can be appear for us as a laxness of their government. But it is necessary to put back this passage of the second amendment in its context, indeed, as we say before, a long time ago the country was hostile with the presence of the indians for exemple. So at this time, have an arm was a right which seemed as a duty. It was necessary for survive. But nowadays this right is very controversial. Indeed today the United States are not so hostile more than previously, so all of that create an intense debate between the Republicans and the Democrats which interpret differently this amendment. The republicans use the pretext of school shootings to justify that the carrying of weapons is today still necessary and strengthen the idea of the second amendment. The candidate for the presidential election Ben Carson even goes so far as to say that the Shoah would not have taken place if the Jews had possessed weapons. On the other hand, the democrats think on the contrary that it is the free bear of gun that create all these massacres and asks for a new reform on this subject.