Système de santé français
Commentaire de texte : Système de santé français. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 1 Avril 2014 • Commentaire de texte • 213 Mots (1 Pages) • 886 Vues
It is necessary to know first of all that the health system in the United States is deprived, of mutualist type(chap), what means, that each pays the contribution with a plan of insurance(assurance) according to its ways(means) of course but also risks of health which he wants to cover.
The private insurances could:
To refuse a cover(blanket) just because the patient has pre-existent health problems, to charge more expensively the sick people or those who were her already, to end a health coverage because the insurant falls ill or becomes handicaped.
The reform of President Barack Obama changed and goes changer:La reform obliges any American to pay the contribution in a health insurance. From 2014, the disobedient will have to pay a 750-dollar fine a year
Système français :
The French health system is a public system, financed by the national insurance contributions of the workers and by the taxes, which assures(insures) the access to the health for all the citizens..
Système britannique :
The new National Health Service (NHS) offered a completely free health coverage for all, without selection criterion nor of condition of côtisation. The fixed côtisations paid by all those who worked (called National Insurance contributions(taxes)) was sensible to contribute essentially to the financing of the social allowances(allocations), and little to the financing of the health.