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Anglais : simple present and present progressive

Étude de cas : Anglais : simple present and present progressive. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Juin 2024  •  Étude de cas  •  420 Mots (2 Pages)  •  74 Vues

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  1. Complete the sentences by using the words in parentheses. Use the SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT PROGRESSIVE.

Right now Ronald (walk) _____is walking_______________ the dog in the park. He always (like) _______likes_____________ to go to Lincoln Park early in the morning.

You (need) _________need___________ to go to the bank today and get the money you owe me. Please (wait, not) _________don’t wait___________ until tomorrow. I need the money today.

According to this article I (read) ___________am reading_________ right now, there are many people who believe in UFOs. (you, believe) _________Do you believe___________ in flying saucers?

The dog (sleep) ________is sleeping____________ in the bedroom right now. It always (rest) ________rests____________ in the afternoon after lunch. If someone (arrive) __________arrives__________ at the door though, it will bark.

The sun (shine) __________shines__________ and the sky is blue.

  1. Say if the verb is spelled correctly or not (write “C” for correct and “I” for incorrect).

Hope                Hopping                ___C__

Step                Stepping                _C____

Rain                Raining                        ___C__

Run                Runing                        __C___

Explain                Explainning                ___I__

Shop                           Shopping                         __C___

  1. Put the following sentences into A: negative form and B: interrogative form 
  1. The plane is landing now.

A:  The plane is not landing now

B:  Is the plane landing now?

  1. She loves beers.

A: She doesn’t love beers.

B: Does she love beers?


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