Le Livre De Salomon
Note de Recherches : Le Livre De Salomon. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar amine24 • 27 Février 2013 • 733 Mots (3 Pages) • 983 Vues
« Mommy I’m too sick to go to school today! When I’ll feel better I’ll be back to attend my courses” Here is a sentence which you would never hear from Stephen Hawking. Still this person goes to school? No, he’s just one of the most brilliant scientists ever known in the physics history. Mr. Hawking is an extraordinary human being who defeated all odds and stood his ground in maintaining his sense of humor and integrity, despite his physical limitations. If I chose to speak about this iconic scientist, it is to inform you, dear readers, about his main achievements!
Before making his ingenious discoveries, Stephen William Hawking earned his bachelor's degree in math and physics at Oxford University. Then, he went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology and gained his PhD there. Considered as a productive researcher, he held, in 1979, the Lucasian professorship in mathematics at Cambridge. Since that day, he is compared to such great intellects as Newton and Albert Einstein. And it was just the beginning.
Hawking has made his reputation by investigating, in great detail, one particular set of problems: All that can be related to black holes and finding answers to the biggest mystery of the human being: The beginning of the world ( the big bang theory) and how first elements of life have been created ! To give a main idea about what I have just said, a black hole is a massive system so centrally condensed that the force of gravity prevents everything within it, even light, from escaping (So that you won’t say that reading this paper was useless)
During the period 1968-1970, in partnership with George Ellis and Roger Penrose, both physicists, Hawking’s first major work was published. They demonstrated the “Singularity theorem”. If we want to talk about this discovery in easy terms, we will say that the universe have no boundary in space-time. At that time it was a tremendously important finding. However, work by Don Page, a former student of Hawking, led to Hawking withdrawing this concept.
Later, working by himself, in 1974, he began to formulate ideas about the quantum evaporation of exploding black holes, the now famous “Hawking radiation.” As you can see , this man was a genius and I’m writing you this because the half of the words that I have written until now are ones of the most complex I ever used I think ( No , actually I’m sure).
In 1984 Stephen worked with James Hartle, a professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Using a new kind of model, they were able to provide hypotheses and semi-answers about the relationship between the universe and the beginning of life! This is also called the “universe as a wave function.”
Naturally, such precious discoveries had to be put on paper in order not to be lost and to enlighten the man kind concerning numerous questions! This is the reason why, Stephen Hawking published many books. The most famous one is, undeniably, “A Brief History of Time”! At the beginning, he wrote it to make some financial provision for his family! This man has a brain but also a heart, isn’t he? Millions of copies were sold in many languages (in excess of 15 million copies). That was really something unheard in the history of science writing! Why was it a success? Because this brilliant man knew how to explain things in an easy way so that, even a nonspecialist in physics would understand. He also wrote