Marriage and divorce
TD : Marriage and divorce. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar nico31830 • 26 Novembre 2018 • TD • 590 Mots (3 Pages) • 653 Vues
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Rousset Nicolas Rousset1
Sharon Brockmann
English 1103
“Marriage and Divorce American Style”
- Divorced is most of the time perceived like something negative. However, if they divorced it’s because there is something between them and so the divorced don’t because something bad but a solution for both. Moreover, if they have children, it can be difficult for them to support all the conflict and problems in the house. For example, my best friend was finally happy that his parents divorced because it became calm and he doesn’t see his parents yelling or crying which is something difficult to live with. Sometimes, it can be also bad because one is not agreeing about the idea of divorced, problem of money. Teenagers can take it very bad and start to do a lot of bad things, like drugs, or change completely of style.
- In this text, we learn deeper the different type of marriage and the good things and bad things to divorces. There were some analysis effected and they saw five principles type of marriage, which are : pursuer distancer (most likely to end in divorce), disengaged marriages, operatic marriages, cohesive individuated and traditional marriages. This analysis shows that most of them will finish in divorces, the most complicated for a men is the “pursuer distancer” because he has too many problems. Most of the reasons of why people divorces are contempt, hostile criticism, belligerence, and denial. However, the strengths of a marriage can be affection, respect, trust, support, and making the partner feel valued and worthwhile. The main problem of divorced in most of the couple are the kids. For a re-marriage in a new family, young children and adolescents have more on average social, emotional, academic and behavioral problems. However, it said that most of the time their second marriage was a success and they were happier, it’s the case for example for my parents, who did a first marriage before to know each other and now they are together since twenty years. So, divorces can be a good thing and a bad thing in the same time.
- In the text of E. Mavis Heterington “Marriage and divorce American style”, she talks about how the marriage and divorces function and the different reaction of it. The government promotes the marriage and discourage the divorces. It says also that 75% percent of men and 60% of women eventually re-marry; however, with different critters and form “an increasing number of adults are opting to cohabit instead […] with a dating arrangement, a friendship or a network or families”. She says also that most of the times divorced affect not only the man and women but their child, because they don’t accept it or don’t accept their new family.
- There is a lot of different marriages and it depends of a lot of things, like the culture, the country… There is the average marriage, which is the classic one. There is the wedding force, which is going to be the parents of the children who will decide with who her daughter will be marry, it happened frequently in Africa in the last few years. There is the polygamy which illegal in several countries but also allowed in a lot of country in Africa, where the man can have until 7 wives. Finally, there is also the homosexual marriage who is legal in France for two years, who two persons of the same sexes can be marry together.
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