- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Human Rights Practice

Lettre type : Human Rights Practice. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Décembre 2014  •  Lettre type  •  283 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 100 Vues

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I am grateful to the Erasmus Mundus program for providing me with the necessary financial means to undertake the M.A. study in Human Rights Practice.

I would like to give my most special thanks to my father, Dragi Spasovski, for always being there for me and whose continuous support and encouragement keeps me going forward. I also wish to thank my sister, Jana Spasovska, and my mother, Snezana Hristovska, for always supporting me in my endeavors.

Special thanks are also due to my cousin, Viktorija Kovacevska, and my very dear friend, Svetlana Spasovska, for the great support and encouragement they gave me during the dissertation semester.

I owe great thanks to my dear friend, Noah Walden, for his encouragement and for reviewing parts of the dissertation, giving valuable advice on language and grammar matters.

I want to thank Prof. Arzoo Osanloo, Prof. William Talbott, and Prof. Kraig Schwartz, for being very influential on my thinking of human rights and social justice, from whom I have learned a lot, and whose lectures I have genuinely enjoyed.

Special thanks are due to my classmates for making these two years a memorable experience and for always being there whenever the ‟things got tough‟.

I wish to thank all the Professors in the Human Rights Programme, from whom my knowledge in the Human Rights field significantly increased.

I owe great thanks to Prof. Trond Thuen for his great kindness, his sincere drive to help, and for being amazing Professor. I also wish to thank him for giving me valuable advices for my research project.

Most importantly, I especially thank my supervisor, Tormod Sund, for his great commitment and enormous help. This dissertation would not have been realized without his support and valuable advices. Thank you!


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