Oral de stage anglais : charity shop
Discours : Oral de stage anglais : charity shop. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar gisele2121 • 29 Avril 2017 • Discours • 722 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 021 Vues
I have make my training in a charity shop called help the childen in london during 2 weeks. First of all I’m going to explain to you what a charity shop is and what i did at this shop. I wille also speakto you about the city and the place I lived in. At last I will give you a small definition of the brexit and its consequensis.
Charity shop (or trift shop) are largely a British institution. It’s a retail establishment run by a charitable orgnisation to raise money. Every years they raise around £300 million for a range of causes in U.K.
In an overall ther are about 10500 charity shops in U.K. and republic of Ireland including 8500 in England.
The majority of people working in charity shops are volunteers (they are more than 217 000 volunteers nationwide, and some shops are run entierely by volunteers).
In the store where I worked, there are only 2 people paid and the volunteers change every day. Some come regularly, the other for a short time like me.
This shops are also popular beacause the prices are cheaper than other shops.
Over 85% of goods sold are from donations, so my job was to sort the donati of the day and put them into the store. On the second week I managed the fund and shop decoration. In fact I have practiced all the shop’s jobs.
After work I’had time to visit the city. I really like London ! But at the beginning it was hard to understand who the undergrund and bsu worked…
I have visited a lot of beautiful places. My favorites was buckingham Palace, there I’ve seen th echanging of the guards. I’ve also been to the london eye but to have a panoramic of london I recommend instead Belsize Park, first it’s free and the view is really beautiful and big ! also I like the neighborhood of camden, it’s a very lively area full of different personalities. Ferthermore I’ve visited some museum like the Victoria and Albert museum and the natural history museum. In London all the museum are free and that’s really good things !
Now let’s talk about my housing. I was seated near manor hous. It was a good place, there is a garden 5min from home, I coud take the piccadilly line or the victoria line (they are 2 important lines in London, so it’s very useful). I was in the turkish quarter so there were plenty of good restaurents.
To finish we are going to talk about the Brexit. The term « Brexit » is an abreviation for « British Exit » evoking the hypothesis of an E.U. output of the U.K.
After months of negociation, a compromise on the « special status » of the U.K. in the U.E. has been reached at the European concil of 18 and 19 Febuary 2016. The next concil, Prime minister David Cameron annonced that a referendum about this issue will be held june 23,2016 and he will campaign for the country remains in the E.U. in these conditions according to final results releasted the next morning. The British decided to leave the European Union with 51.9% of votes. Prime minister David Cameron announced his resignation a few hours later.
Nearly 2 weeks after the historic decision of the British to leave the E.U. , concerns about the economic impact Brexit begi to materialize. Real estate, buisness, jobs, sterling drop very quickly !
To have live the Brexit in London, I have follow the information but I havn’t felt