CV de Bintia Camara
Lettre type : CV de Bintia Camara. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar bulane • 3 Novembre 2019 • Lettre type • 561 Mots (3 Pages) • 509 Vues
Definition : The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change; technical, scientific or social advance which contribute to making the world a better place.
Theme : I have chosen to deal with the Evolution of women's status.
To illustrate this notion I have chosen 3 documents.
- The first is an online article published in 2014 on the CNN website and written by
Katie McLaughlin entitled "5 things women couldn't do in the 1960's".
-The second document is a scene from the film "Made in Dagenham" which came
out in 2010 and is set in the 1960's. This document deals with women which made
the strike for Equal Pay.
-The last document is a speech by Emma Watson, the UN women ambassador,
she's launching the campaign called "He for She".
Main questioning : I’ll try to answer the following question: How people became aware of the fight on the statue of the woman ?
Conclusion : To conclude, a lot of events have changed the status of women, these with the help of the media that allowed the evolution of mentality. Nevertheless, i think there are still gender inequalities in the world and it is still a challenge.
Parts :
I-A fight under great influence
-It can be seen that many media defend the cause of women, they can target more public.
For example the press is a good means for make aware of people the document "5 things women couldn't do in the 1960's" we can see that women were deprived of many things like having a credit card, serve on a jury as they were considered to be too fragile and men thought they had to stay at home. She couldn't attend Ivy league university and couldn't experience equity at the workplace. But many thing have changed. It became legal in the 1973 to serve a jury for a woman. About the university, the latest one to admit women was
colombia in 1981 ; women who being admitted to those universities has to put
them an hold.
Art also has a place in this fight like the film "Made in Dagenham". In this film we can see a group of women workers who protest for Equal Pay, these women are determined to achieve their goal. Indeed this film stages underpaid women who demand equal pay to men. It took much determination to make mentalities evolve. Through this movie accessible to all the spectators can identify themselves through the actors and they feel involved in their fight. Their fight led to a legal change in the UK : The Equal Pay Act in 1968.
Through a speech, Emma Watson famous actress, made a declaration in front of the UN and launching the campaign called “He for She” with affecting speech to affect public.
II- Mentalities in evolution
The film "Made in Dagenham" featuring a group of strikers wanting equal pay with
men corresponds very much to the historical facts. This film sends a strong
message and always topical: equality between men and women. This strike
attracts a lot of public attention around the world indeed we can see women determined to have what they want, they strike for that. Made in Dagenham has been