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Nouvelles Technologies Pour Ou Contre

Mémoire : Nouvelles Technologies Pour Ou Contre. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Mai 2013  •  836 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 168 Vues

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Productions possibles :

– Yes, computer games can be addictive

“Recent studies suggest / prove / show that spending too much time playing computer

games can really become an addiction. Today we know that it can become an addiction

like alcohol or drugs or other illegal substances. Just imagine the damage! It’s a distracting activity, worse than watching TV! If you spend too many hours playing, then you will become more and more obsessed. Playing too much on your computer may become addictive if nobody is there to stop you and your mood can change but don’t you think that an addiction is something serious and, as such, can be harmful?”

“Indeed, it may be unhealthy because you don’t go out so much, see your friends or do any other activity.”

“You’re right, what’s more, teenagers who have no limits can become addicted like junkies: They need to continue the game and they just can’t stop!”

“It can be dangerous for your psychological and emotional health and lead to health disorders. You can become moody and the consequences for your social life can be huge / dramatic!”

– No, computer games aren’t addictive

“It can become addictive but only if you exaggerate and spend all your time playing.”

“I see your point but ‘gamers’ are not like junkies, it’s not a drug! Don’t you think that people exaggerate when they say it’s like taking drugs? It’s entertaining first of all, you can have fun whenever you want, even if your friends are not around. On the other hand, it can develop your imagination and certain skills or reflexes.”

“I totally believe that it depends on how long you play. If you know when to stop, it’s funny and it can increase your imagination. Youngsters / Young people can really enjoy themselves / have a great time thanks to computer games. They can take pleasure in playing and discovering new adventures and new graphics corresponding to new worlds!”

Productions possibles :



“You know, that could sound surprising but my kids really don’t exaggerate with new

technologies. They have mobile phones but don’t use them too often and the Internet is not an obsession for them.”

“I couldn’t agree more: My kids enjoy playing with video games and they don’t spend too much time playing, they just have fun!”


“As far as I’m concerned, if we’re talking about mobile phones, I believe they use it far too much. All day long, they’re hooked to them! And video games… my son has changed, he has become moody and doesn’t want to do anything else!”

“You’re right, the phone has become an obsession. My daughter can’t help checking her text messages all the time!”





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