Une analyse de l'article " Officiers-contrevenants qui votent chez des stagiaires non rémunérés " Stephen Parking
Fiche de lecture : Une analyse de l'article " Officiers-contrevenants qui votent chez des stagiaires non rémunérés " Stephen Parking. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar cassie007 • 2 Avril 2015 • Fiche de lecture • 382 Mots (2 Pages) • 975 Vues
The document entitled "Labors Officials scrutinize a rise in unpaid interns" is an ARTICLE from The Global Edition of The NY Times April 6th 2010, writed by Steven Greenhouse.
It explains at first the current situation, if officials react, if laws already exist about this, and SECONDLY more concrete. It means what unpaid interns really do, if they are respected and the heaviest consequence, inequalities between students.
First of all, some companies use internships for free labor. That is why officials of some states ordered investigations to step up enforcement nation wide. But the fear of many interns to file complaints makes this harder. Laws exist to define an unpaid internship and companies know that being a for-profit employer is not in compliance with the law. Interns can't displace regular paid workers and can't make a benevolent contribution for the company. Students' desir to gain experience for their resumés makes that the number of unpaid interns in the United States rise quickly, employers posted this year 643 against 174 two years ago.
During their internships, many students do not even learn about their field of study, they make noneducational menial works. For example, one who packed and shipped 20 or 40 apparel samples a day, or an other who wipped the door handles each day. In addition, interns are not considered like employees, and therefore are not protected by employment discrimination laws. Against a sexual harassment for example, their complaints are dismissed. Moreover these unpaid internships aggravate inequalities between students. Low-income students now integrate more universities but can't accept to do these unpaid internships, in effect they often need MONEY for themselves or for their families, so that makes them less competitive candidats for jobs after graduation
In conclusion, this ARTICLE reflects well all the problems which meet the students during the progress and during the end of the execution of their internship. This proves us, by means of various persons, that companies take advantage well many of students as free workforce and that these take advantage well many of the person and its work within the company by making them make works having no relationship with the qualifications which they wish to acquire. All these problems are perceived by various institutions and officials in United States and these want to remedy it.