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Par   •  10 Juillet 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  555 Mots (3 Pages)  •  573 Vues

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  1. 1. _        Name and describe the three main areas (or spheres) of globalization.

The three main areas of globalization are :

-Economic Globalization:
The economic sphere important for globalization. It is the most affected area.
The foreign direct investments of companies and governments have increased during last years. They’ve risen from $13billion in 1970 per year to more than $1,800billion today.
companies are nowadays looking for new markets and opportunities for cheap production in countries with low wages and soft, ecologic law frameworks. The number of multinational companies went from 7,000 to 65,000 since the 90s

-Political Globalization
Most of the important policy issues are not related to  borders, like: climate change, the financial crisis or terrorism. Such problems need the intervention of all countries to solve them . That’s why politics try to find solution thanks to group, like the EU, the G20 or even the United Nations. There are other pressure groups that don’t belong to any country. These so called non government organisations (NGOs) are able to influence politics deeply in their field of work ( Greenpeace for instance).
Thankts to the emergence of new global actors like the NGOs, but also the need to solve international problems , we can witness a decrease of the political latitude of single states

-Cultural Globalization
One aspect of the globalization is often referred to as “McWorld”. The term describes, that western culture  becomes dominant and destroys cultural diversit :  western music, news, products and  English language .

  1. 2.         What are the pro’s and con’s of globalization?

Newly industrialized countries like Taiwan and South Korea , Brazil China, benefit from their integration into the world economy. They can build up their factories thanks to foreign direct investment and infrastructure and sell their products in the whole world. There are  low wages in these countries, that’s why products are competitive in the whole world. The example of China shows us how broader population takes advantage of globalization. Indeed, 500 Million Chinese  left extreme poverty.

Concerning the cons, there are whole regions suffering from globalization (Sub Sahara African countries ) .Such countries are not prepared for the  international competition. The cheap products produced by the industrial countries flood the local markets. Local products are not competitive . Furthermore, these countries are not attractive for foreign investors

  1. 3.         What is your personal opinion about globalization?

Globalization of business is a good thing. It opens markets for a lot of companies. Furthermore , it is possible to import goods for all around the world . The actual problem is that the standard of living in the US is higher than in other countries. This means that  many manufacturing companies will have to go and look for new countries. The US will need to find a way to avoid this problem .

As far as I am concerned , globalization of politics is not good. Entities like the United Nations ( that can teel a foreign  a government how to run their country) is a big problem. Every country has its own culture. E


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