Pièce de théâtre en anglais
Cours : Pièce de théâtre en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Tibaud • 15 Avril 2018 • Cours • 293 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 941 Vues
Thilbault : the sick child
Djamil : the youngest one
Razna : the oldest girl
Mathilde : the depressed girl
Ousmane : the teenager
Hugo : the father
O : Daddy, can we just stop for a few minutes ?
R : Yeah, I can't bear staying in this wagon for so long !
D : It smells like the horses. Smells bad.
T coughs : I don't like dust.
H sighs : Ok, ok, let's have a litlle break.
M : I'm hungry...
H : If we eat right now, we won't gonna have enough food until we reach the next town, right ?
M : Mummy would let me have at least an apple or a piece o'bread.
H annoyed : But your mother is d... looks at the kids You mother is taking care of the dog, now. She couldn't go with us, you know it.
D : Isn't the dog dead ?
O meanly : Yeah, just like Mummy.
H yells : Can you just shut your goddamn' mouth !
R shocked : Dad !
H : Alright, 'gone too far. But don't say things like that anymore.
O : Understood.
T coughs again : Don't like travels. Are this gonna take long ?
H : Yes, it will, boy, believe me ! And it would be shorter if all of you could just handle being in the wagon !
R to T : But don't worry, just imagine our life in California ! We'll grow oranges, be rich, and the sun'll shine all the time !
T : No more dust storm ?
R : No more dust storm !
M : 'Wish Mummy could see that.
O : Stop talking about Mummy or Daddy'll get cross again.
H : I don't- sighs Okay, it's over, get in the wagon again, and no more stop until the end o'the day, right ?
Every child : Right...