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North Korean Refugees

Dissertation : North Korean Refugees. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Mai 2014  •  384 Mots (2 Pages)  •  811 Vues

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My subject is about NK refugees

North korea’s refugees

The article comes from the china post it’s an article from December so it’s kinda old

Diapo 2 : first I’m just gonna talk quickly about the NK’s leaders the first one was Kim il sung died in 94, he is designated in the constitution as the country's "Eternal President“!

After came kim jung il his son :North Korea refers to him as the "Supreme Leader“; He is also referred to as the "Dear Leader", "our Father", "the General" and "Generalissimo"

And as expected the current leader is kim jung un who succeeded his father; he lead the country w/ the help of his uncle

Diapo 3 : *so 21 NK were found in a boat into SK waters at the beginning of December in the Yellow Sea

Since 53 More than 21000 NK have fled to SK

with defections surging in recent years as the North struggles with economic hardship and chronic food shortages.

*The S’s long-standing policy has been to allow in NK who choose to defect and repatriate these who wish to return, but defection are a sore point in Korean relations

Diapo 5 : most of NK refugees fled NK by crossing China and as china and NK are in good terms china repatriates about 5000 NK refugees each year because china treat them as economic migrants rather than refugees(Under international law China is obligated to grant safe haven to North Korean refugees but they dont). Thousands hide out in China, while others travel on to third countries before flying to South Korea.

If they are repatriated to NK they often face public execution .

Diapo 7 : Among all the refugees only 16 thousand 5hundred refugees successfully and safely escaped NK, most of refugees escape without their family so their family face might face punishment for the flight of their family members.

Reaching safe haven for North Koreans is not only difficult, but often fatal. Those who flee predominantly find safe haven as refugees in Cambodia, and eventually in South Korea or in the United States.

Diapo 8 : it is estimated that theres about 100 000(hundred thousand) NK refugees in china as they have no voices nor rights in china they often face sex and labor traffickers especially women (forced into marriages, face abuse, forced labor, rape )


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