Geopolitics of natural resources & the environment report
Analyse sectorielle : Geopolitics of natural resources & the environment report. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar romaaaaa • 31 Mai 2017 • Analyse sectorielle • 11 442 Mots (46 Pages) • 745 Vues
Geopolitics of natural resources & the environment report
Subject chosen: Interests and stakes related to the appropriation of natural resources, and links between conflicts and resources
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MARTY Romain Bachelor B3
Referent teacher: LEMOUZY Nora 2016/2017
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Introduction p.3-4
I- Strategic stakes related to natural resources
1) The interests of natural resources p.4-5
2) Natural resources: source of conflict?
A) The change of NATO status p.6
B) The problem of oil p.6-7
C) The question of water p.8-9
D) Other resources p.9-10
3) The strategic challenges of natural resources
A) Responsible use of natural resources p.10
B) Fraudulent use of natural resources p.10-11
II) Natural resources and struggle for the gains of conflicts
1) Oil: a global issue, source of chaos in the Middle East
A) The Yom Kippur War: the beginning of hostilities p.12-13
B) First Gulf War and the containment of the phenomenon p.13-14
C) Second Gulf War: The edge of the Precipice p.14-15
2) Minerals: return to forced labor and massacres?
A) Conflict in Liberia: the story of a disaster p.16
B) Ravages of ethnic conflict in Nigeria p.17-18
C) The Democratic Republic of Congo: The Coltan War p.18
D) Somalia's approach to fish control p.18-19
3) Water stress and cooperation factor
A) Will the drop of water overflow the vase? p.20
B) Central Asia cries to the dry throat p.20-21
Conclusion p.22
In ancient times, salt was regarded as a primordial natural resource because it was vital to health. At the same time, oil did not know the demand it currently perceives since it was a resource still unknown and unusable. The use of natural resources is obviously linked to the technological progress of the nation which tries to exploit it. Yet, it was not until the 18th century and more precisely during the first Industrial Revolution that the notion of natural resource experienced an upheaval both in its diversity and its uses. Gradually, the rise of capitalism completely changes the mentalities and lifestyles of individuals. From an economic point of view, companies are increasingly seeking recognition in a market that has become international, and are then competing for invention and constant innovation. The aim is always to satisfy consumers. As a result, it further increases the interest of enterprises in natural resource operations, which are therefore considered vital for industry. We now consider a natural resource as a substance or an object present in nature and exploited for the primarily economic and vital needs of a human society. The term is general and refers to mineral raw materials as well as those derived from living beings and other organic fossil materials. Natural resources can be an asset to the economic power of a country even if a hierarchy has been established between them: some have fewer values than others. But this increases the economic exchanges of a country and allows it to initiate and succeed in a possible integration in the international markets. However, some limits persist and hinder the successful integration of many countries, especially those constituted as a result of decolonization, into politically unstable areas, but whose soils and subsoils are full of unprecedented natural wealth. In fact, these natural resources give rise to various tensions to which international opinion is confronted. Therefore, the problem we will study is the following: what are the interests and stakes presented by the appropriation of natural resources and what are the links between conflicts and resources?