Wikileaks est un site web international
Commentaire de texte : Wikileaks est un site web international. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar sassouuuu • 24 Avril 2014 • Commentaire de texte • 226 Mots (1 Pages) • 1 027 Vues
The power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to keep a social cohesion , people in a society should accept the rules the law and the regulation . Even when the authority seems absolute , there are always counter powers who resist it. But the question is: what did we means when we talk about counter power ?
Wikileaks is an international website created with the intention of revealing the truth behind secret. This organization was founded by an Australian activist Julian Assange who has published and made avaible to the public a huge number of classified documents. Every news and information to the public who has leaked , has been backed by strong evidence . So today, thanks to the wikilealks , the public can see evidence of the truth which can help it perform justice in a positive environment . It seems evident that the public had the right to know everything in a society that we call a democratic society . For example, the Afghanistan and Iraq’s war concern the nation of America , and the public deserve to know what happened at this war. That’s the reason why in 2010 , wikileaks relessed a video called ‘ collateral murder’ showing some Iraquis and two journalist killed by strikes from a US helicopter .