Cours d'anglais
TD : Cours d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar roumeyssarah • 18 Octobre 2018 • TD • 946 Mots (4 Pages) • 575 Vues
* put the odds against it: rendrent une telle arrestation impropable
* you run-of-the-mill homicide :homicide ordinaire
*when they are wearing the mantle of authority that they're given : porteur de l'autorité qu'il leur a été donné
* the infamous acquittal of LA police officers : tristement célèbre acquittement des officiers de police de LA
Sum up : shotting of a black man by a white policeman, MB did'nt have any arms, and this create fihts riots with the police. The jury of the TRIAL is composed of One latino one asian and 10 white. Threee of the offciers aquitted , the fourth officer was spared by a hung jury. King was awaeded 3.8 billion $ he became a national symbol.
Q2 : in 9 august 2014, Ferguson Missouri , officer Darren Wilson has shot Michael Brown. Some investigations began but officers get a super presomption of innoncence. Lot of people compared Michael Brown's detah with Rudney King's death (discrimination). Then the grand jury decided to not indicted him , he shot him because of self defense. A prosecutor office said during the process that "you should'nt bring an indictement against an officer"
Q3: The articles talk about Rodney King , because there is parallel story , Rodney King has been hit by a policeman , there are police brutality and racial discrimination. Rodney became national symbol of civil rights and of the fight against racial discrimination and police brutality.
Q4 : The newspaper which published this article is "Talking Point Memo" . It's a political newspaper, created by Josh Marshall, news put on the web , journalitic bloc and respectd by mainly journalists. Liberal newspaper: left party.
Q5 : The author said that it's unlikely that Darren W will be guilty because it's difficult to think that people who protect us can harm us. Normally police protect us whatever our ethnies..Policemen had more advantages than citizen. Because of violence history, racial discrimination we can easier accused a blackman than a white man. Supreme court decisions tend to protect police officiers to give them a certain leeway (maneouvres)
Q6 : Grand jury , exist only in USA. Groupe of people (citizen) which decided if the suspect (the person who is indicted) are criminal are not. It's composed of 16 to 23 people.
Exist a "little jurdy" : trial jury
Q7: Police officers have a particular treatment when it comes to the use of their weapons because they get a super presumption of innocence , layer of protection , they wear the authority. They should to be trust than anybody else. Their duty is to serve and protect citizens.
Q8: In 1989 the supreme court ruled in Graham V Connor , Graham diabetic wanted to buy some orange juice because of his insulin reaction (low blood sugar). The 2 men neter in a store but there too much people so they go out fastly , a policeman find it really suspicious and decided to purchase those 2 man. During the encounter, Graham has been injuries , and after he was released. During the trial : this principe is etablished , officiers are often forced to make split second decision about the amount of necessary. Decision : juges decided to judge the policeman'behavior as so violent and no justify