Cour d'anglais drt L1
Cours : Cour d'anglais drt L1. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar eszn • 26 Mars 2021 • Cours • 478 Mots (2 Pages) • 378 Vues
Martin Luther King (1929-1968)
King was born on January 15, 1929 and he died on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, TN, where he was assassinated.
He was a minister (= Pasteur) his name isn't much to Protestant reformer Martin Luther; and a bowl and he remained famous for leading the civil right movement and for his non-violent strategy of civil disobedience ( has he illustrated by the Montgomery who's boycott started by Rosa Parks in 1955.
His speech “I have a dream “, deliver it on August 28, 1963 in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC is it one of the greatest speeches of American history. the location was highly symbolic of the speech was delivered 100 years after Lincoln pass it the declaration of emancipation during the civil war between 1861 and 1865.
King received the Nobel Peace Prize in October 1964.
To concede approximately with the date of the King's birthday, the 3rd Monday of January has become the National holiday in the United States, no as Martin Luther King Day.
Slavery was abolished in 1865 with the voting of the 1st amendment into the US constitution. that was the first time anything directly concerning slavery was mentioned related to slaves was a paragraph of article 1, section 9, wish indicated large slave trade would be prohibited by 1808.
When's the amendment 13 was ratified, Renault have differed your toes in the civil war into 1861 at 1865, and therefore the South had to free it slave an abandon the peculiar institution of slavery.
But fairly sons the abolition of slavery gave way to another infer system in the South, Where Jim crow law were gradually establishing the principle of segregated society. In 1896, The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Plessy vs Ferguson that segregation was constitutional: black and wild American would now live “separate but equal”.
It took almost another 70 years For African Americans people to be given the same rights other citizens:
- 1964: Civil Rights Act.
- 1965: Voting right Act.
The persistence of 2nd class citizens?
“Black lives matter”
Throughout the past decade, it has become clear that African Americans (among minorities especially Latinos) remain systematic discriminating against (#Oscarsowhite) Ava Duvernay’s is documentary and miseries – “When they see us”.
The 1980s and 1990s where market by systematic policies affirmative actions (= Discrimination positive). Those policies Establish an ethics quotas to be meet in the school and companies and these quotas have been successful in promoting the rise of an African American middle class.
but recently, affirmative agents has been under attack:
- It maintains a form of discrimination.
- it does not promote meritocracy.
April 2014: in Schuette vs Coalition to defend affirmative actions, SCOTUs (= Supreme court of United States) roll it that an amendment to Michigan school institution that prohibits states universities from considering race has bought of his administration process those not delete the constitution equals prediction close (14th amendment).