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L'idée de progrès (document en anglais)

Analyse sectorielle : L'idée de progrès (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mai 2014  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  1 440 Mots (6 Pages)  •  1 062 Vues

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The notion I’m going to deal with is the notion of idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to state the definition of the progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development, a technical or scientific advance which contributes to making the word a better place. I’ll illustrate this notion talking about Internet and try to answer this question: “Have New technologies improved people’s lives? “I will firstly introduce the drawbacks new technologies has provided, then, the advantages that came along with it.

On the one hand, I’ve chosen 2 documents which prove that internet hasn’t improved people’s lives. The first one is a cartoon entitled “Facebook” which deals with social network and particularly Facebook which is the most popular. On the cartoon we can notice a group of man whose face have been stolen. The cartoonist aims at showing social networks users the dangers of them because they can lose very quickly their identity. Unfortunately they can’t do anything, they are defenceless vulnerable. The cartoonist warms there users of the dangers of Facebook if they aren’t careful about what they post on it. Furthermore, there are dangers relating to the use of Internet as it was mentioned in the cartoon entitled “Saturday night out with friends”. In this cartoon we can see a man using his computers to chat with his friend’s on Saturday night. The cartoonist criticizes virtual relationships. He denounces the end of face to face relationships. People become more and more isolated and feel lonely.

On the other hand, I've chosen 2 documents that seem, best to focus on advantages of the Internet. The cartoon entitled “people and computers around the world “deals with new means of communication and especially Internet. The cartoon representing the earth where there are lot of people around it writing in front of their computers, they are chatting thanks to this new way of communication. Thanks to the Internet, there are no borders between different people, and different cultures. The second document entitled “street view “show us another advantages of the internet. In fact Google Street View is a technology featured in Google Maps and Google Earth that provides panoramic views from positions along many streets in the world. Street view is a very convenient tool to visualize a place where you’re going on holyday for example. You’ve got a very precise idea of the street. Travelers won’t be deceived, they know what’s except. So, both documents make us realize that new technologies have improved our living conditions

Personally, I think internet has made our lives better; we can do almost anything from your computer. You can shop, learn new and interesting things do anything we can .

To conclude, even if it’s very convenient and practical to communicate, to keep in touch with people and to discover the world, it improved our lives, we must protect, cuz we don't must to forget that this is only something virtual, that doesn't really exist. We must to do the difference between the real life & virtual life


The notion I’m going to deal with is the notion of seats and forms of power. To begin with, let me give a definition of the progress. This notion implies a basic between those who have power and those have none or a little of it! When authority is too important, counter-power appear to resist and question this authority. I’ll illustrate this notion talking about India and try to answer this question: “Are all citizens on an equal footing in modern day India? “

On the one hand, we’re going to see if there are inequalities among citizens. I’ve chosen 2 documents that seem best to focus on inequalities among citizens. The first one is entitled “The cast system”.

India is divided into four unequal, hereditary, social castes, making up the caste system. If someone was born into one of these castes, they can’t change or marry someone belonging to another one. The untouchable or dalits are excluded from the population and the "cast system". They are involved in degrading or impure. It’s the lowest caste because Dalits are only allowed certain jobs such as cleaners or cobblers.



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