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Etude De Marché: l'entreprise Nooi (document en espagnol)

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Par   •  18 Novembre 2012  •  5 358 Mots (22 Pages)  •  1 391 Vues

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Julie Chouard

Year 2 Market Survey Report - BSc in International Business – IFI

Pasta to go French company

To Spain, Leon



I) Company presentation

a) Brand history

b) Products/concept of the company

c) Brand image

II) The market

a) Competitors, needs of customers, the customer target in France

b) Competitors, needs of customers, the customer target in Spain

c) Spanish market’s environment

d) SWOT analyse

III) The brand strategy

a) The restaurant/the products

b) Price strategy

c) Implantation strategy

d) Communication strategy




To implant a company in a new country it is really important to do the Marketing Survey. Indeed, this report will serve to know if it is reasonable to locating our business in Spain. We would like to implant Nooi. Nooi is a pasta bar founded in Strasbourg by the Sdar group. This company grow very fast due to the constantly increasing of demand of those types of restaurants. We are based on the pasta food and promote the healthy of our meals. People are looking for rapidity, healthy and a good value for money. We understand that and that why this tree values are our priorities. We already have one restaurant in Barcelona and we would like to extent the implantation, in Leon for example.

In order to precisely define the market we are entering we did a market survey to know if it is the right time at the right place to create other Nooi franchisees. I am Nooi’s representative in Spain and so I’ve been in charge of this work.

Following this you will first find the company’s presentation with its history, its concept and its image. Then you will find some data of the French and Spanish market, the Spanish market environment and the SWOT analyse. In last part, I have draw our marketing plan through a complete marketing mix … All those part finally lead to the conclusion; to know if we must (or not) open others restaurants in other Spain’s city like in Leon.

I/ Company presentation

a) Brand history

Nooi is a French fast food chain offering pasta to go, in other word a pasta bar. The brand was born in Flam's restaurants, the Sdar group, where a separate space offers hot pasta, to take away, served in disposable bowls. Given the success, the brand is launched a franchise in 2006. The first restaurant opens in Strasbourg and now had more than 70 restaurants in 2011. In parallel, Nooi begins to grow internationally as in the United States, Belgium or in Spain in Barcelona.

The turnover of the brand in 2010 is about €12,6M. The creation of a unit of approximately 40 m2 is around € 100 000 of investment excluding goodwill, or about € 200 000 goodwill included. The average turnover of operating outlets are between 200 and € 300 000.

b) Products/concept of the company

The Nooi’s concept is to let the customer choose how he wants his pasta. He can choose the box’s size (small, middle, large), the sauce (12 choices) and a cheese. Each sauce, before being offered for sale is approved by the Customer support. The pasta is cooked in front of the customer, always with the cooked aldante. Indeed, the principal motivation of this company is the health, and pasta is good for the health, so Nooi choose to sell dry pasta cooked aldante to preserve the virtues of pasta. The diversity of choice permitted to Nooi to maintain a good relation with the customer and advantages in front of the concurrence. Another advantage of the brand is the price. Indeed, Nooi is first of all a fast food, so the prices are accessible no more than 15€ and the menus are between 5,50€ and 8,50€.

The Nooi’s target is the young people (generally high school or students of faculties) but also active people. It is why the restaurants are located generally near the schools, the faculties and the offices. Implantations are reasonable and rational.

The company who have now 70 restaurants have to possess a good structure. Indeed the company’s headquarter situates in Strasbourg own a marketing, an Internet, a research and development, a commercial and a financial services. Currently, the company aims to open more and more restaurant. Why it trains young entrepreneurs. For that the company organizes a formation in tree steps.

First of all, a theoretical formation during 4 days where the future manager learn about the administration, the marketing, the quality, how to manage order and how to manage the cash machines.

Secondly, an operational formation is apply, who during one week, where the future manager learn about the food policy of the company and how he should apply it to customers.

And thirdly, in time of the aperture, the company has introduced an internal checklist to track its evolution. In addition a network host is sent to the store the day of the opening. Its role is to follow the commerciality, launch operations and the introduction of point of sale.

Nooi choose to do a dynamic decoration with a colourful environment. Indeed they use a lot of red, yellow and purple, dynamics and vitamins colours. This creates a good moon, life and energy. In restaurants, employees use a rigorous


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