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Sponsor Nike

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Par   •  1 Décembre 2014  •  506 Mots (3 Pages)  •  733 Vues

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Nike has got differents commercial strategies. One of these strategies is the sponsorship. Nike pays profesionals athlètes in many sports to promote their products and share new designs . Nike is present in all the most important sports. For exemple nike sponsors mario gotze in football, the national team of France in baskeball or all team in the NFL American football. The sponsoring of a great player attract the fans of this one to buy the products of nike. We can mention 3 players the most payed by nike :

-Michael Jordan for the price of 60 millions yearly since 2003 it is the biggest contract of nike with a player

-Raphael Nadal for 10 millions yearly

-Cristiano Ronaldo for the price of 8 millions yearly.

An other commercial strategie is some impressives advertising campaign : in some big cities we can see big nike ball for exemple this ball crushing a building in Mexico. In some towns like Paris the company doesn’t hesitate to put some shoes in the bus station. Moreover the company use bige events like Olympic games to put some advertising on the TV. We all know the famous quote of nike : Just do It. This is the evidence of the good communication of the firm.


Since the creation of Nike, there is a big wide range of products in sports equipment. Their first products were track running shoes . They make shoes, jersey cleats for a lot of differents sports including football, baseball, cricket, tennis, skateboarding and a lot of others sports. The company has got a lot of creativity they always try to innovate. For exemple Bill Bowerman, one of the most important person in the company tried to create some shoes inspired by waffles, paper, glass or nuts to impress people. For exemple in 1973 nike begins to sell the waffle nike, the soleplate of this shoe was inspired by waffles. The consumers who have tried theses shoes says that the ones were very confortable. Today, Nike has used this system again with the air max line of shoes in 1987 with the same concept because the air max have some bubbles in the soleplate of the shoes. A lot of lines of shoes was introduce by Nike since the creation of the company like in 1992 air Huarache, Nike 6.0, Nike SB for skateboarding, or air jordan a line produced by Nike for micheal Jordan. There is so much differents shoes so we can not see them all. I just want to say that today we can personalize our nike product it show of the company an aspect of innovation .


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