Présentation Marketing Sur Michel Et Augustin
Commentaires Composés : Présentation Marketing Sur Michel Et Augustin. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Meuck • 19 Mai 2014 • 5 829 Mots (24 Pages) • 3 376 Vues
I. Executive Strategy
1. The company’s current international presence
The company is currently present in 12 countries: France, Belgium, The Luxembourg, United Kingdom, The United States, Russia, Canada, South Korea, Japan, China and Singapore.
2. Recommendations of 4 targeted markets considered and key arguments
We chose to target four countries: The US, China and the UK, where the company is already established, and a new one, which is Australia. We first thought about the United States because there is an important demand (3 times more consumption of ready-to-eat products than in Europe, and demand for tasty food). Secondly, we thought that China was a good potential market for Michel et Augustin to expand, because there is not a lot of competition yet and the country just opened its market to international investors. Further more, Chinese people are attracted by French products. We studied a new country where the company can possibly grow: Australia. The country has diverse food market and Australians have an interest towards new food products and healthy ones. Finally, we saw another interesting market: the UK. At first sight it could be a high potential market because it is very close to France so it won’t be too complicated for the company to export in this country.
3. Presentation of chosen market and main reasons to justify this choice
After studying the market of dairy and biscuits products and the situation of the country, we learned that there was an important demand of savory snacks. The demand for healthy and gourmet snacks is rising because of the change of lifestyles. Economically, the UK is the first commercial partner of France, especially in the food industry market. Furthermore, the two countries don’t have a lot of cultural differences, and Michel et Augustin already penetrated the market.
II. Situation analysis international market
1. Internal environment
• Presentation of current company activities
Michel et Augustin has a large range of good and fancy products.
The 4 main types are desserts with the chocolat mousse, the fondant (2 flavours), and the fresh cookie. They also sell dairy products like drinking yogurt (7 flavours), big family yogurt (3 flavour) and the “petits pots” (6 flavours). Their 3rd range pf products are sweet biscuits (Cookies, Paillotines, “Petits carrés” and “Petits sables”) and salty ones (“Feuilletés”, “Petits beurres”, “Petits sables”)And finally their snacking products which are the same are their biscuit but with different packaging and in another place in the retail shop (cookies, “petits carrés”).
All of those products are sold in France in Monoprix and in others shops, but now we want to export this in the UK. So we will see in the 4P which one we will decide to export firstly.
• Review of current objectives, strategy and performance
For their general objectives, Michel et Augustin which are quickly booming since 2004, wants “To double their performance in 2014” as Augustin said.
For this they we go on the strategy and try to improve more and more their transparence with customers, using their fancy intensive communication, a large range of products, keep their originality and their healthy good and friendly position due to good financial resources…
Focusing on their UK implementation, the brand is trying to “impose” their products in the UK market, and adapt it to English consumer. They have to make them feel close to the brand as they successfully did in France.
For their long term objectives, they want to achieve selling all their range of products if the implementation succeeds in UK.
2.Customer environment
It seems that there is currently a rising demand for healthier and gourmet snacks in the snack food industry in Great Britain. Customers are becoming more and more aware of the importance of nutrients in food nowadays. Indeed, the French touch seems to contribute to make these kinds of products famous in the UK.
Customers targeted segments are trendy persons quite under 45 years old with a fairly well off life and living in big cities. They have quite busy lifestyles, and that fits with the use of Michel et Augustin products. Another target segment is also families with a comfortable life and housewife that take care about their children. Thus, this is mostly a top of range segmentation.
2. External environment
a. PESTEL analysis and key conclusions
The Political Trends
The UK is the first commercial partner with France (also due to their geographical proximity).
France and the United Kingdom are both member states of the European Union and it is estimated that about 400,000 French people live in the UK and approximately the same number of British in France.
Furthermore, the labor law in the UK is the least restricting, it is more flexible.
The Economic Growth and Stability
The United Kingdom has the 6th largest national economy in the world and the 3rd largest in Europe. Overview of the UK’s economy:
-GDP per capita (PPP): $37,300 -Unemployment rate: 7.7% -Inflation rate: 2.7% (is)
The local purchasing power in the UK is 3.62% higher than in France and Groceries Prices are 7.11% lower.
The Sociocultural Trends
In a world where appearance is important, consumers are becoming more health-conscious and turn to more natural or organic food for a better consumption. They want products with the least amount of harmful chemicals, without necessarily buying organic food.
We can also to take into account the constant decrease in the time spent on meals and the development of “snaking”.
The Technological Advancements
The growth of the use of smartphones and Internet can be considered for the marketing strategy (especially the communication). These technologies have changed the way consumers and employees live and