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Marketing strategy

Dissertation : Marketing strategy. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Octobre 2019  •  Dissertation  •  1 415 Mots (6 Pages)  •  581 Vues

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Fare comparazione di un grou facendo l’analisi con il marketing strategy nel paese di origine e con un altro paese. 2 paesi lontani.  SWOT ANALISIS

  • Nestlé



  • Internet
  • Technology
  • Comunication

AMAZON 🡪 biggest market in the world thanks to the technology

Culture can be a driving force 🡪

Marketing can be different bw countries. costs 🡪 u need to cover costs and maximize profit

Culture as a restraining force 🡪 alcohol and beef, coffee vs starbuck (only in milan, which is more international) .

National controls 🡪 protectionism

War 🡪 ex. Venezuela

Management myopia 🡪 u see ur business without seeing long term, with no prospective

Organisation history 🡪 company can decide that it will never be global

Domestic focus 🡪 world is changing, is more global. Being domestic is a restrain


Coca cola is everywhere, it produces everywhere. Global industry not only concern the fact that u find the finished product all over the world but also you produce it and have suppliers all over the world

  • semiglobalization  🡪  focalised only in a certain part of the world
  • standardization 🡪 going to sell the same product everywhere
  • Localisation 🡪 I’m gonna to adapt my product everywhere
  • Glocalization 🡪 think global and act local 🡪 u want to be everywhere, but u adapt ur product to the local
  • VS think local and act global 🡪  ur product is local and all over the world
  • Nestlé and Nescafé 🡪  in Vietnam doesn’t work but with coffee tracks it does

Internet economy 🡪 very fav to standardization

Marketers must be trend trackers and opportunity keepers

The marketing environment:

  • The macroenvironment  🡪 larger societal forces that
  • Microenvironment


Global business, global development 🡪 u need to know the actors

The global economic environment:

  1. The world economy
  2. Economic systems
  3. Stages of market development
  4. Balance of payments
  5. Trade in merchandise & services

World economy:

  • Deep evolution since WWII
  • One of the deepest changes 🡪 emergence of global markets
  • Today global integration is over 50% vs 10% at the beginning of the 20th century

New realities to focus for managers

  • Main driving force of economy 🡪 capital movements instead of trade
  • Production is not coupled anymore with employment 🡪 machines, robots. Generate a lot of R without employing
  • other people.
  • Dominance of the world economy vs subordinate role dedicated to individual countries ( ex: EU)
  • Struggle bw capitalism and socialism
  • Developments of ecommerce / reduction of national barriers and need for new business models  🡪 major revolution. it has changed the R-S with products and clients.


Economic systems:

  • Market capitalism
  • Centrally planned socialism  🡪 China switched to capitalism.
  • Centrally planned capitalism & market socialism

Stages of Market Development

  1. Low income countries 🡪 1000 $/year
  • EX. Bangladesh, south of Sahara
  • GNI ( gross national income) of 1005 $ or less capita
  • +limited industrialization/ high % of population employed in agriculture
  • Hight birth/ short life expectancy
  • Low literacy rates
  • Heavy reliance on foreign aid
  • Political instability and unrest
  1. Lower middle-income countries 🡪  around 4000 $/year
  • Good point 🡪 rapidly expanding consumer markets
  • Highly motivated & relatively cheap labour force
  • Major competitive advantage 🡪 mature, standardized, labor intensive light industry secitìrt
  • Main activities 🡪 footwater, textiles
  1. Upper middle-income countries 🡪 around 12 000 $/year
  •  Sharp drop of the % of population employed in agriculture
  • Increasing wages but  wages in advanced countries
  • Presence of local innovative and export driven companies
  • Es. Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, Venezuela
  • Brics 🡪 brazil, Russia, China & India are currently entering into this category
  • South Africa
  1. High income countries  🡪 >  12000 $/year
  • Also known as advanced, developed, industrialized or post industrial countries
  • The service sector > ½ of national output
  • Increasingly important exchange of info/ considered as a key strategic resource as well as technology
  • Society demonstrates an orientation towards the future
  • Product& market opportunities based on new products & innovations
  1. International groups of countries.


  • G7 🡪 USA, Japan, Canada, Germany, Britain, France and Italy
  • G8 🡪 Russia
  • CREATED in 1999


  • International finance / foreign exchange
  •  It involves financial risks, decisions and activities that differ from the domestic market
  • Economic exposure
  • it reflects the impact of currency fluctuation on company’s financial performance
  • Managing exchange rate exposure is critical 4 global companies that may be present on various continents and economic areas


  • Definition 🡪 it is the record of all economic transactions bw the residents of a country and the rest of the world
  • Divided into current and capital accounts
  • Current account  🡪 merchandise trade and service trade
  • Trade deficit occurs when the balance


  • GATT 🡪 1947 and substituted by WTO in 1995
  • WTO:
  • Promotes free trade on a global basis
  • Provides neutral trade experts used as mediators …


  • Common market
  • Next level of economic  ….
  • Economic union 🡪 seeks to coordinate and harmonize economic and social policies
  • Aim 🡪 facilitate free flow of capital , labor, goods ,and services from country to country



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