Demandes de documents: Transcriptions, relevés, lettres bancaires, CAS (document en anglais)
Mémoire : Demandes de documents: Transcriptions, relevés, lettres bancaires, CAS (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar iconsalon • 27 Mars 2013 • 633 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 099 Vues
You are very welcome to collect a standard Statement of Attendance / Council Tax Letter / Letter to open a bank account at the Student Hub.
Please note: Santander bank, located on the South Kensington campus, have informed College that a student wishing to open an account with the bank will only need to present a valid passport or driving licence along with your student ID card and will no longer require a bank letter from the Registry/Student Hub. Whilst this will potentially allow you to open a bank account more quickly, College recommends that you ensure you have looked at each bank’s offerings in depth before choosing the account that is right for you.
Before requesting a letter to open a bank account please ensure that your home and term-time addresses are up to date on Student e-Service. Please note that we cannot issue a bank letter unless you include with your request the name and branch address of the bank where you will be opening the account. This applies to requests made in person at the Student Hub, and to those made via email, to
Please take your College ID card with you and the Hub will print a copy of the document.
The Hub is on the third floor of the Sherfield Building on the South Kensington Campus and is open from 09.30-17.00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and from 10.00-17.00 on Wednesdays.
Alternatively, we can mail it to you. If you prefer this option please email stating which document you require, your CID and the address it should be posted to. Please note that it can take up to 5 working days to post your document.
Visa letters / CAS Requests
The Imperial College International Office is able to give assistance and advice on a wide range of student-related visa and immigration issues. You are advised to consult the International Office website or if you have any further queries, or would like to discuss your particular situation please email the International Office.
Students wishing to apply for a Certificate of Acceptance for Study (CAS) or a visa letter should complete the Request for CAS or Visa Letter form. Students applying to extend their current Student Visa no longer require a letter from the College. They will instead need to request a CAS using this form. Students applying for other types of visa, e.g. Post Study Work Visa or Student Visitor Visa can request a letter using the same form. Completed forms should be submitted in person to the Student Hub or emailed to Please note that it can take up to 5 working days to post your document.
Confirmation of Degree
Students who have completed their studies and have been awarded their degree can request a statement confirming their degree result. Please note that we can only issue this once your exam board has met and the degree result has been notified to the Registry and released. Students will receive an email from the Registry informing them that their final results are available on Student e-Service. Letters can be obtained either at the Student Hub or by emailing the Records team, stating the address it should be posted to. Please note that it can take up to 5 working days to post your document.