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Le système d'information comptable

Étude de cas : Le système d'information comptable. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Septembre 2018  •  Étude de cas  •  697 Mots (3 Pages)  •  743 Vues

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Environment :


.In 2017 China was elected bigger pollutant to the world

. Indeed China to her alone person in charge in 30 % of the greenhouse gas emissions ( CO2) of the planet.

. The Chinese economic growth was made for a long time at the expense of the environment. And unfortunately we consider that the pollution in the country is the cause of 4000 premature deaths a day.

. Good thing the civil society does not any more hesitate to demonstrate, to mobilize against projects of factory or refineries, or to interpeler the State as parking of the public health. The environmental protection became for China a political stake as much as economic.

. Indeed the government decided to react and has invests massively in the renewable energies and even became the biggest world producer, n°1 in solar energy in front of Germany.

. This voluntarist politics(policy) of China is also past by penalties. The Chinese parliament voted, there is a little more than year, the taxation of companies and the most polluting institutions. It so shows the commitment of China favor of the environment.


. For 2018, the American university of Yale published its ranking of the IPE, Indication of Environmental Performance. Realized once every two years, this work allows to highlight the most effective countries regarding energy performances. In a context widely favorable to the European countries, France obtains the second place, just behind Switzerland.

. Besides having to organize the COP 21 (conference on the climate) France became the country which supports most the environmental cause.

. Of more the ministry of the ecological transition sees its budget increasing 9,9 to 10,4 billion euros thanks to the State.

. For 94 % of the French people, the renewable energies represent a solution of future to be developed first and foremost.

. 66 % of the French people claim to be ready to pay a 11,7 % additional cost on average to pass in the renewable energies in their accommodation.

. A promising dynamics with national scale, which should be encouraged in the coming years to reach the goals of France regarding energy transition.


. In 2017 used them were rank second the most polluting country to the world, responsible for 15 % of the greenhouse gas emissions of the planet.

. Of more the president of the United States Donald Trump pursues the slating of the environmental regulations inherited from his predecessor Barack Obama and continues to believe that withdraw from agreements of Paris is the best solution for the country.

. The United States reject every year 5,2 billion tons of CO2 every year.

. However it does not prevent the partisans of the agreement of Paris from believing that America will reach its objectives of reduction of greenhouse gases.

. Nevertheless America is a decentralized and politically divided country. States as California and New York are governed by democrats horrified by the climatic vision of the republican president.

. Twenty of 50 states, hundred cities and one thousand companies have already set up the objectives calculated by reduction of the greenhouse effects, according to America Pledge, an initiative was thrown by the former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg and the governor of California Jerry Brown.


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