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Research methodology

Analyse sectorielle : Research methodology. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Août 2019  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  961 Mots (4 Pages)  •  516 Vues

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  • Research methodology
    June 2019

  • Research design
    Table of content:



Design Methodology……………………………………………………..3

The structure…………………………………………………………...…3

The profile data of the respondent. ………………….………………...4


Statistical treatments……………………………………………………..5

Ethics ………………………………………………………………………6


Nowadays, many people dress not for themselves but especially for others. Physical appearance is a very important element especially in young people's lives. They must make a good impression to get accepted by groups of trendy friends. This constant desire to integrate and want to be noticed by all, derives from superficiality. The consumption of clothing or fashion accessories is becoming important for some teens. The dress style has become today a means of expression and integration by the youth.Fashion is a phenomenon that affects a lot of teenagers. Indeed, the way of dressing is in accordance with the taste of the individual. This phenomenon involves different social origins: the fashion will not be the same in a teenager belonging to the wealthy class, and in a teenager belonging to the popular class. So, we can say that fashion is a social developer. Some people lose their confidence when they are not well dressed; that’s what conduct the change of the industry and appearance of the fast fashion and the low-cost clothing; However, the fast fashion has an effect on several things, such as the massive production has an impact on the environment. (author, 2019)


The author has conducted this research using Interpretivist epistemology.

Design Methodology;

The author has chosen to split the survey intoseveral parts following a logical sequencefrom the beginning to the end. The construction of eachpart was done in pairs and then validatedby all members of the collective.(author, 2019)

The structure:

The first part of the questions is devoted to the consumption habits. The objective of the research is to identify the frequency of purchase, theprivileged banners and the budget devoted toshopping.

In the second part "More concretely", the author aims to better understand thebehaviors and the criteria for choosing consumer.
Do they pay attention tothe provenance or the materials of the clothes?
Do they recycle their clothes?
The goal is to detect the ideas received from consumers- if any - and to obtain their opinions on the impactenvironmental impact of the textile industry.

The third part "Want to change" aims toknow the motivations that can pusha consumer to change hisway to consume. We want to knowwhat are the labels and initiatives that theyoung (and not so young) are aware.

As for the fourth part "Action forchange ", it allows us to evaluate the budgetthat a consumer is ready to devotein the purchase of an ethical / responsible / organic clothing, ... Finally, the last questions of the surveyrelate to the perception ofrespondents on theresponsible mode.(author, 2019)

The profile data of the respondent:

Although it was possible to participate in this surveyanonymously, we wishedgather certain informationto formalize a typical profile of the respondent(age, socio-professional category, nationality,kind). This information proved usefulfor the statistical treatments that followed.We obtained 862 responses in total, of which290 out of the 15-26 age group.Out-of-target respondents were stillconsidered in ouranalysis.


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