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Information & Digital System (IDS)

Fiche de lecture : Information & Digital System (IDS). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Octobre 2020  •  Fiche de lecture  •  1 125 Mots (5 Pages)  •  567 Vues

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Information & Digital System (IDS)


Difference Data/Information:

Information is a data that has a meaning and impact on the receiver.

  • Each user has specific needs like nature of the information, timing, level of detail.

Information is important because it play a key role in decision-making.

3 kinds of flow:

[pic 1]

Decision flow: price fixing, investment, etc.

Information flow: trip number, what station, city name, ticket number, reservation number, hour of departure)

Physical flow: Trains, wagons, ticket, etc.

Function of Information System:

5 functions of the IS:

  1. Data entry: when customers put their information’s,
  2. Storage (stockage): ERP (date base), Excel, etc. storage capacity evolves
  3. Processing: make some calculate, how many time books are borrowed = data
  4. Output function (sortie): email, power point (put data on a screen), report, print, holograms, etc.
  5. Transmission and communication:  communicating and transforming information

IT vs IS

Information Digital System (IS) are formal systems designed to collect, process, store, and distribute information

Digital systems are designed to store, process, and communicate information in digital form. The computer, is an example of a typical digital system.

The role of Info Technology is not the same than Info System: IF is a support of the IS.

IT : The study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information. => INFORMATIQUE

We use IS every day: email, social media, new apps, Emlyon student data base, subway, train, bus, plane, etc.

Component of an Information System:

  1. Network
  2. Data base
  3. Procedures
  4. Software
  5. Hardware


Hardware = physical elements (computer, printer, screen, etc)


Software = logiciel => Computer programs that determine and control the operations of the computer (windows).

L'étude ou l'utilisation de systèmes (en particulier les ordinateurs et les télécommunications) pour le stockage, la recherche et l'envoi d'informations.


Organized collection of facts and information.

Divided in 3 elements:

Fields => one piece of information (name)

Record => complete set of fields (set of fields, name, last name, address, phone number, etc.)

File => collection of records (data base of the school, all info for each student)



Network: to connect computers together, huge level or small one.

Internet: in a company

Extranet: Internet open to outside, company internet open to customer and suppliers


There are procedures to use IS:

  • Confidentiality (Access limited to unauthorized persons)
  • Integrity (data has not been modified by unauthorized manner)
  • Availability (only authorized persons)

Level of IS

1) to make the company run

2) Bussiness decision making : director of a manufacture get info about production before to take a decision, can be to increase other material, ect…  ADAPT

3) Support… : for top manager : creating a new manufacture, developing a new region of products, STRATEGIE


[pic 2]


ERP :  logiciel pro qui permet de gérer l'ensemble des processus d'une entreprise en intégrant l'ensemble de ses fonctions

Advantages of ERP:

  • Accessibility from each module  - Accessibilité à partir de chaque module

  • Uniqueness of information entry - Caractère unique de la saisie de l'information

  • Real time update - Mise à jour en temps réel

increase operational efficiency -> resolve problem

Information tracability => track the source

Customer Relationship management (CRM) :

Increase sales and add value to customers = satisfied needs to keep customers you have, customize offer, etc.  


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