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Executive Summary for a startup

Guide pratique : Executive Summary for a startup. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Décembre 2016  •  Guide pratique  •  317 Mots (2 Pages)  •  767 Vues

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Below is a recommended format for an Executive Summary for a for technology venture. The document should be 1 to 2 pages in length, single spaced, and extremely well written.

Executive Summary

 (XYX Company, Inc. )


Provide a brief description of the company, what is does, who it sells to, mission, etc. Can also mention a bit of history on the company and where it is located.

Value Proposition

Provide a brief description of the problem being solved or opportunity being created, i.e. the value proposition.  


Describe the company’s technology and product(s) and also how your intellectual property in protected.

Market and Strategy

Describe the market segment you are in or intend to enter and some characteristics of this market, e.g. size, growth pattern, characteristics, and competitors in this market segment.  Also describe your strategy for market entry and sustaining a competitive advantage.

Business Model

Describe your business model and how you will sustain high profit margins through an innovative competitive strategy. See Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas.


Describe the key talent in the company and the broader team of advisers, strategic partners, and professional service providers.  

Organization and Operations

Describe how the company conducts its operations, e.g. do you have offices, manufacturing site, or are you virtual with outsourced functions.


Describe the key risks that the company faces and how you intend to address these risks.


Describe the key milestones that the company is working to achieve. Note, these milestones can be related to risk reduction.

Financial Summary

Describe such factors as financial results to date, e.g. sales and capital raised. Provide an estimate of sales over the next 3 to 5 years, when the company expects to achieve financial breakeven, projected profits, what funds it is seeking to raise and how the money will be used, what has been invested by the founders to date, and what is the anticipated exit strategy, e.g. IPO or M&A.  



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