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DAS 1, unit 7 : Marketing.

Cours : DAS 1, unit 7 : Marketing.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Février 2017  •  Cours  •  435 Mots (2 Pages)  •  581 Vues

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Unit 7 : Marketing

Paragraph :

1-Last week I heard that « House world », is now in Morocco, However I didn’t know when exactly. Moreover, I found an amazing armchair on the website at 15% discount, but it was still expensive for me.

2-Yesterday , when I was in the mall , the Apple shop where Apple gadgets ,phones and computers are sold ,was promoting the new I phone 7.It was absolutely clever from then to take people in picture with the new place ,I also take one.

Its camera resolution is amazing, with a high quality and its performance is better the other IPhones .I wishes I could afford to buy it, it is too expensive but it’s worth it.

3-One day in a supermarket, I was looking for sauce .Many products were afforded which made me confured. However, I was attracted by one of them which had a very beautiful packaging ,but it was more expensive than the others .At that time a woman one time and told me that I could taste it .After the test I realized that the product had a good price quality ratio ,and what encourage me.

Topic sentence:

  1. The primary goal of marketing communication is to reach a defined target by doing a market research.
  2. Every company must care about its products and how much it will be selling to get important profits.

“Do you think social media, namely Facebook, can help in the promotion and protection of Human rights and democracy in Morocco?”



  1. We are trying to enter a new market, where we exploit the opportunity of being an oligopoly. Our company is working on a project of reducing waste, protecting the environment in order to solve the serious problem of pollution through our biologic range of products .Nowadays; we are making a successful breakthrough in this sector. This is why our company won an award for that.
  2. The key to a successful project is meeting a real need and solving a problem in a certain population.

We should exploit an opportunity in order to create something innovative, original but the sometime challenging and has an immense impact. This project has to fill a gap satisfy a need and be useful so that when people will ask themselves: «what is added value of this project in my life? », they will find a convincing answer to their question.

Logistics and the distribution chain:


1-Our “Destcomp” is specialized in distribution. Its mission is to send goods by Road haulage because the trucks can go right up to the doors of shops or factories, it is cheaper than freight. Its “Destcomp” has warehouses in different countries.


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