Anglais appliqué aux affaires devoir D0117
Étude de cas : Anglais appliqué aux affaires devoir D0117. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Discus Turquoise • 26 Février 2020 • Étude de cas • 1 047 Mots (5 Pages) • 1 147 Vues
EFC C0117
A. Multiple choice questions. Choose the right answer and justify your choice
- After giving birth to her baby daughter, Christina Wyneken
had to quit her job.
decided to work at home.
was allowed to bring in her baby at work.
Answer: was allowed to bring in her baby at work, “He (the company’s senior partner) said to bring the baby in with me”.
- More and more companies are becoming family-friendly and have thus decided to
allow families to come and watch their relatives while they are working.
to put TVs in every single room in the workplace in order to create a more family like environment.
to be more flexible and more open to the needs of their employees as far as family matters are concerned.
Answer: To be more flexible and more open to the needs of their employees as far as family matters are concerned, “these companies feature on-site day-care centers, flexible work schedules and employees, like Wyneken, who are allowed to bring their children into work, if they need to”.
- As a consequence,
companies have increased their productivity
companies’ productivity has fallen down.
companies are on the verge of bankrupcy.
Answer : Companies have increased their productivity, “Company owners say the extra effort is worth it because they get much in return - such as loyal employees, reduced turnover and increased productivity.”
- Savvy (cute) companies know that now, if they want to attract quality workers, they will have to
define a really rigid schedule to set the limits.
be flexible and to make work arrangements.
look for employees in developing countries.
Answer: Be flexible and to make work arrangements, “Savvy companies interested in attracting and keeping talented workers, especially women and technology workers, know they have to make changes.”
- Still, some CEOs staunchly believe that
the heavier the workload the better for productivity and self-commitment.
outsourcing is anyway the only way to be productive.
there is no way out of the situation.
Answer: The heavier the workload the better for productivity and self-commitment, “Some still hold onto the idea that working 40-plus hours a week in the office shows commitment.”
- A study by California State University-Fresno revealed that
it can be unsettling to be at home and to use communication devices to keep in touch with work.
telework was not efficient as long as people tended to look after their family and did not work while at home.
it was very hard to keep one’s job while at home.
Answer: It can be unsettling to be at home and to use communication devices to keep in touch with work, “some employees who use cell phones, e-mail and other communication devices to stay in touch with work while at home can create more stress in their lives.”
- The journalist gives the example of a woman / a mother who
gave up her job to stay at home.
started teleworking because she could not get out of her house anymore.
was given the opportunity to work both in her workplace and at home.
Answer: Was given the opportunity to work both in her workplace and at home, “But company owner Doug Davidian and Hankins worked out an arrangement where she could come in the office for a few hours a week and also work out of her home.”