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Anglais des affaires

Étude de cas : Anglais des affaires. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mars 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  6 049 Mots (25 Pages)  •  886 Vues

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Anglais des affaires :


1- Economy :

 Ancient Greek: oikonomía = "household management“ (household= ménages)

 Archaic English: economy = the management of household and especially expenses

 Today: the system by which goods and services are produced, sold(vendu), and bought(acheté) in a country or region.

2-Economics :

Economics= the study of the economy and the factors affecting the economy, It deals with the production, distribution and use of goods and services. Main issue of economics: unlimited wants vs. limited resources.

2.1. The scarcity (rareté) principle :

 Our wants exceed the needs available to satisfy them.

 We have to make hard choices about what to produce and consume.

 How to get the most (comment tirer le meilleur) out of limited resources.

Example : If you choose a small class size, you will have to give up something else ( si tu choisi une petite taille, tu dois renoncer à autre chose)

Scarcity forces us to make trade-offs (=compromises) and concessions.

2.2. The cost-benefit (l'avantage) principle :

 an individual (or a firm or a society) should take an action if, and only if, the extra benefits from taking that action are at least as great as the extra costs.

Example: Classes for 40 students: 40-seat rooms or 20-seat rooms?

Measure the costs and benefits of reducing the class size: - 2 teachers instead of 1 - 2 smaller classrooms instead of a single big one.

 Reducing the class size = additional cost of € 1,000 per student

Reducing the class size make sense only if students pay (at least) an extra €1, 000.

Are you ready to pay?

un individu (ou une entreprise ou d' une société ) devraient prendre une action si , et seulement si , les avantages supplémentaires de prendre cette action sont au moins aussi grande que les coûts supplémentaires . Exemple: Classes pour 40 étudiants : salles de sièges de 40 ou salles de 20 places ?

Classes pour 40 étudiants : salles de sièges de 40 ou salles de 20 places ?

 Mesurer les coûts et les avantages de la réduction de la taille de la classe : - 2 enseignants au lieu de 1 - 2 salles de classe plus petits au lieu d'un grand single .

 La réduction de la taille des classes = coût supplémentaire de 1000 € par étudiant

Réduire le sens de la taille des classes que si les étudiants paient ( au moins ) un supplément de 1 € , 000. classes pour 40 étudiants : salles de 40 places ou des salles de 20 places ?

2.3. Microeconomics and macroeconomics ;

 Microeconomics: how the economic decisions individual people and individual businesses affect the larger economic system.

 Macroeconomics: large-scale decisions and issues at a national or global scale.


1. In the Middle Ages

1.1. Thomas Aquinas :

 an Italian economic writer (1225-1274)

 It was a moral obligation of traders (les commerçants) to sell goods at a just price.  the just price had to equate the costs of production, including the maintenance of a worker and his family.  price controls and other forms of market regulation were necessary to counterbalance the selfish excesses.

1.2.Antoninus of Florence :

 an Italian friar (1389-1459)

 it was the duty of the state to intervene in mercantile affairs for the common good and to help the poor and the needy. = il était du devoir de l'Etat d'intervenir dans les affaires mercantiles pour le bien commun et pour aider les pauvres et les nécessiteux

2. Mercantilism :

 dominant economic theory in modernized parts of Europe between the 16th and the 18th century

 alliance between government and business → increase national wealth and state power:

• stimulate the production of domestic goods

• - limit domestic consumption (consommation)

• - put tariffs on imports (tarifs de vente sur les importations)

• - try to create a favourable balance of trade, i.e. more exports than imports

•  goal of mercantilism: strengthen the economy and weaken foreign adversaries  imperialism and many European wars. = renforcer l'économie et d'affaiblir l'impérialisme adversaires étrangers et de nombreuses guerres européennes .

Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Minister of Finance under Louis XIV (1661 - 1683) :

every aspect of economic production was put under government control:

-companies owned by the Crown

-shipbuilders were subsidised by the state

-ports were improved and canals built

-French industry and commerce became matters of official concern

-industries that were threatened by foreign competition were defended by the state


tous les aspects de la production économique a été mis sous le contrôle du gouvernement : -Entreprises appartenant à la Couronne

-shipbuilders ont été subventionnés par l'État


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