Opérateurs internet
Résumé : Opérateurs internet. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar SEXY_BURRITOS • 14 Octobre 2020 • Résumé • 1 152 Mots (5 Pages) • 481 Vues
You are Arthur Ailéminimoyz, a noble living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pouch of gold and a small dagger. You are awakened by one of your servants who tells you that your keep is under attack. You look out the window and see
a large group of orcs attacking the walls with catapult shots and that your forces are under attack from nearby hills. You have two choices, either to stay in bed and remain safe, or to go to war.
> You go back to bed.
You are too tired to go defend your castle, so you fall back to dreamland.
You enjoy your sleep.
> You dream of naked girl.
Suddenly, you are awoken by several sharp sounds: the sound of your bedroom door breaking down, and the growls of some large beasts.
> You go out of bed and use your servant as a human shield.
You quickly move to hide behind your servant, but it is useless. The orcs have found you and launch into an attack. You have no choice but to defend yourself, but your servant makes a fine shield.
> You use your sword to slash the orc.
The orc seems surprised you don't use your dagger, and you slash the orc's chest. This doesn't seem to be enough though, as he swings his axe at you.
You: Ouch!
> You say "That hurt bro!"
The orc laughs and swings his axe again.
You: (Slash!) Argh!
The orc attacks again and you quickly defend yourself until he is dead.
> You look up at the window to see a way to escape.
You notice that the window cannot be broken down, and that the ledge is quite small. You could jump out of the window, but the drop is quite a long way.
What now?
> You climb the window.
You climb up the window and jump out of it, falling down the long drop. You scream and the nearby orcs laugh at your pitiful attempt to escape.
> You push a servant to distract the orcs and escape.
You push the servant towards the orcs, and he readily agrees to be your decoy. As the orcs attack him, you quickly make your way toward the hills, where you hope to find a horse.
> You take the horse to flee.
You make your way to the stables in time to save yourself from an orcish fate, stealing a horse along the way. You ride out of the fort and head towards the nearest town.
> You go see the mayor.
You enter the Mayor's office and see him surrounded by papers and a half dozen advisors.
"Hey, you're here to see me," he notices.
> You say "my town was assaulted by orcs !"
The Mayor is surprised by your news, but he says that the army cannot be spared to go hunting for the orcs. He says that the king needs those soldiers to fight invading kobolds.
"I understand,"
> You punch the mayor.
The Mayor is sent flying into the wall, he sits there dazed for a moment, before he slowly gets up and stares at you in anger.
"What the hell was that for?
> You say "because i like to punch peaple "
He gives you a dirty look and throws a dagger at your head!
Not wanting to risk the chance of fighting him, you quickly get up and decide to leave.
The Mayor gets up and gives chase.
> You tackle him and break his neck.
The Mayor is struck by this sudden new fear, and falls to the ground, you quickly grab him and break his neck. He dies instantly.
You decide its for the best that only one person knows how to build buildings, you decide that you will be the mayor!
> You call all of the officials of the town in your office