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Defense of Deadpool

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Par   •  24 Mars 2021  •  Compte rendu  •  571 Mots (3 Pages)  •  427 Vues

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~ Defense of Deadpool ~

Hello ! I just read your article and I can’t believe my eyes. It’s nothing but unwarranted slander against Deadpool. He deserves more respect than you gave me by forcing me to read this garbage. Sure, he’s very aggressive, he’s driven mad by being forced into being given a mutation and the love of his life was taken from him. Would you not try so hard to seek vengeance if the love of your life was taken from you ? Yeah, maybe because he’s so flawed it’s harder to appreciate the intricacies in his character, but can you really not see yourself in him ? When you watch a casual superhero movie like Captain America or Ironman you never see a hero suffer the consequences of destroying entire cities, or perhaps even civilizations so long as the hero wins, but in Deadpool we see the tragedy of every loss that Deadpool is responsible for. Deadpool isn’t superficial, he’s comfortable and acts natural around the perspective of the viewer (Which he breaks the third wall many times while seeing the movie. He’s aware that there are people outside of his world who exist, and he’s conscious to appeal to them). Sure, his humor is crude and questionable at times, but given his circumstance is it not proper and natural for him? It’s what makes Deadpool’s character so relatable, he acts like a real person, not a role model propped up to teach the viewers some random examples for how to be better people. He acts without a filter and loves to provoke thought in the viewer, and provoke anger in his enemies. Clearly he was good at provoking you given this article you’ve made that only trash talks him. In any case, look at how relatable he is to everyone, he likes cute things and is friendly to everyone that doesn’t get in his way. Deadpool is also so smart, he’s cognisant of his situation; He can’t die, so he’s willing to do anything to complete his mission.

We see in his second movie that Deadpool wants to die and is willing to do anything to reconnect with the love of his life. In contrast to the first movie where he was doing anything to stay alive despite cancer destroying his brain. Whatever it takes to be united with his love is what he’ll do. It’s so sweet and helps us to recognize that he’s like us, a broken person. One last point I wish to make on Deadpool is his desire to work independently. He’s so used to being alone and stuck by himself that he refuses to work with the X-men for fear of letting others down. When we see his childhood in some scenes we see how he had to teach himself to be self-reliant, how he shouldn’t expect others to help him. Eventually, he realizes he cannot work alone, that he needs help. It’s a side we like to see in ourselves, when we’re able to break the bonds that previously forced us to accept a mauvaise foi. There is no superhero where you see this struggle, there’s no villain where you see this struggle, only in the story of Deadpool, the story of a broken man forced to live an eternity of suffering will you see this struggle. It is for this reason above all others that you’re wrong about Deadpool. He’s the best.  


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