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Stephen King

Analyse sectorielle : Stephen King. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Janvier 2014  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  255 Mots (2 Pages)  •  626 Vues

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Horror Fiction

Stephen king, (1947) is an American author of contemporary horror, suspense, science fiction and fantasy.

“The woman in the tub had been dead for a long time. She was bloated and purple, her gas-filled belly rising out of the cold, ice-rimmed water like some fleshy island. Her eyes were fixed on Danny's, glassy and huge, like marbles. She was grinning, her purple lips pulled back in a grimace. Her breasts lolled. Her pubic hair floated. Her hands were frozen on the knurled porcelain sides of the tub like crab claws.

Time passed. And Danny was just beginning to relax, just beginning to realize that the door must be unlocked and he could go, when the years-damp, bloated, fish-smelling hands closed softly around his throat and he was turned implacably around to stare into that dead and purple face.”

-The Shining by Stephen King


Alien 1979

On its way back to Earth, the spaceship Nostromo visits a desolate planetoid after receiving a cryptic signal from a derelict alien spacecraft. While exploring the alien ship, one of the Nostromo's crewmen discovers the remains of the ship's pilot and also a large chamber that contains thousands of egg-like objects. One of the eggs releases a creature that attaches itself to his face and renders him unconscious. They break quarantine to bring him back aboard the ship, the parasite dies and he wakes up, seemingly fine. An alien organism bursts out of his chest, grows rapidly into a terrifying eight-foot tall creature, and starts killing off the crew one by one.


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