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Science Daily

Commentaire de texte : Science Daily. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Mars 2014  •  Commentaire de texte  •  490 Mots (2 Pages)  •  543 Vues

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This document is a press article which was published in the Science Daily on March 17th, 2009. It is an American news website for topical science articles. The document informs us about the influence children wield over their parents' purchase decisions at the supermarket. This was shown in a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Vienna, Austria.

We may divide this document into two parts. The first part runs from line 5 to line 12 and it’s may be entituled « The parents don’t see even any more the influence which their children have on their purchases », and the second part runs from line13 to the end and it’s may be entituled « Factors responsible for purchase orders of the children ».

« Most parents seem to be completely unaware of how much their little ones make them buy ». They are, I would say almost, blind person. The study that we make both researchers, Claus Ebster and Udo Wagner, proves this sentence to which everything concerns. Indeed, the parents who were followed during them purchases with their children did not even realize as these last they had made buy half of their shoppins cart. They see it but do not really pay it attention. As it is said in the document, the decision of a purchase is mainly made in the store, thus the importance of the decisions of purchase induced by the child should not be underestimated, both for the parents and for the retailers.

Factors responsible for the number of purchase requests children make are mainly due to the strategy of the retailers. The strategy consists in placing products at their eye-level, products such as toys or candies. Furthermore, the parents give in easily because these products which can be used in the store allow to occupy them during the shopping trip. It is worth mentioning that it is possible to reduce the number of purchases requests by placing the child in the basket shopping cart, in front of the mother or of the father, Of course, this implies that the child has the limited field of vision.

For all these reasons I think that this study is very interesting because it is true that the children influence enormously the purchases which are so much food, that automobiles, or still leisure activities, and what is true for them is it also for us. All the eye-level articles attract us more that those who are level with the ground.

We can come to the conclusion that Most of the purchases which are made in store are due to the influence of the children which the parents underestimate far too much.

How can us manage this influence which has a strong impact on the children, on the family, and on the budget?

Maybe by beginning to delete broadcast or any more not to make stores with her children. Furthermore, this influence did not exist 40 years ago then how will be our grandchildren in 40 years?


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