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Literary Essay on To kill a Mockinbird

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Par   •  2 Juin 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  430 Mots (2 Pages)  •  744 Vues

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Thomas Lacaze

Mme Jessika Hammond


28 March 2017

Literary Essay on

In the novel of To Kill a Mockingbird it does not only show how dramatic, sad in and old town Maycomb be like, but through out Lee’s unique writings, conflicts about politics is going on through this tired old Southern town. One of the problem and mostly run along with the story and interest me is racism, discrimination between white people and black people socially. Its the most obvious form of discrimination; however, there are other types of prejudice and discrimination that typify relationships among the novel’s characters. How Bob Ewell can ruin Toms live just by using racism against him. First purchase church.  Cecil Jacob insults scouts father. (arguments first and then thesis)

Lee explores the motif of discrimination through the characters of Bob Ewell, Cecil Jacobs, and the members of the First Purchase Church.

Lee develops the motif of racism through the character of Tom Robinson. This can be noticed when Tom Robinson gets

In this novel is the most visible victim, he was the victim because he is accused of raping Mayella Ewell. That is falsely accused by Mayella and her father, Tom is brought to prejudiced and for his trial he received a white jury. Atticus Finch his lawyer knows that tom is innocent and proves as much as he can, but how hard Atticus put his effort the racism that the jury minds were, they delivered a verdict of guilty. Tom is sentenced for death. Toms mind is tired of being judged by the colour of his skin, rather then taking the chance that Atticus proposed but took his own path and took the wrong road and attempted to escape jail. Sadly, Tom didn’t make it alive he got shot seventeen times, but since this day on only the Finch family remembers Toms death. Atticus says: “I couldn’t in truth say that we had more than a good chance. I guess Tom was tired of taking white men’s chances and preferred to take his own.” (Lee 235-236) What ever road Tom chose, Tom faced consequences by being falsely accused of crime and by trying to escape prison got him decapitated by the bullets, all because of racism. Racism ruined his life, the life of his family and all the people that supported him. In the novel of To Kill a Mockingbird there are many forms of discrimination "I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin' on my Mayella!" (17.84) Mr. Ewell

In the novel of To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee uses first purchase church as .



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