Chronologie : Anthropologie. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Yannick Bénao • 30 Septembre 2019 • Chronologie • 761 Mots (4 Pages) • 366 Vues
A charter school is a public school that is independently run. It receives greater flexibility over operations in exchange for increased performance accountability. The school is established by a “charter,” which is a performance contract describing key elements of the school. The charter contract describes things like the school’s mission, instructional program, governance, personnel, finance, plans for student enrollment, and how all these are measured.State laws and charter contracts provide schools with autonomy over curriculum, personnel, budget, and schedule. Charter schools are schools of choice, meaning students are not assigned to the school because of where they live. Instead, families must choose to enroll their child in a charter school.As public schools, charter schools are prohibited from charging tuition. They must not discriminate or be religious in their operation or affiliation. In most cases, charter school admissions are determined by lottery when there are more applications than available seats. Charter schools are not exempt from federal laws that cover students’ rights or safety, including special education and other civil rights protections. They are also subject to state accountability systems, and their students must take required state tests.In exchange for this autonomy, charter schools are subject to periodic performance reviews and may be closed for failing to meet agreed-upon outcomes. Charter schools receive public funding based on the number of students they enroll. In general, charter schools receive less funding than traditional public schools in the local area.
Prior to our charter school course, I thought public schools did not have the flexibility to meet the needs of students. For me, these schools were subject to over-regulation by provincial legislation, school board policies, and school boards. union agreements. Therefore, I told myself that public schools are insensitive to the demands of parents and that it is very difficult to apply innovative teaching methods. I was against the standardization of public schools, which is to the detriment of the quality of teaching. and told me that there should be a greater variety of programs and more competition between schools, so that the ones that are not performing are closed.
But after having taken this course on chartered schools and after my research, I fear that the young people who attend such schools receive an education too different from that offered in other schools, which would reduce the common core of the knowledge acquired in the schools. public schools. And I also think that the quality of education offered to disadvantaged groups would suffer from a two-tier education system. On the one hand, there would be charter schools attended by children whose parents decide not to send them to district schools. On the other hand, there would be district schools that can not compete with charter schools and, as a result, would lose resources and meet only the most needed needs. This would undermine the ability of district schools to provide education of equal value to all students.
We all know that these schools can not refuse students as long as there is room for them, and that they can move to a building occupied by another school. So it would be much better for poor communities in the city to do and ask for the implementation of this kind of schools in their boroughs and to do this