- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Anglais: Choisissez l'une des inventions décrites dans le texte et dites si vous acceptez qu'elle ai changé notre façon de vivre, et pourquoi?

Mémoires Gratuits : Anglais: Choisissez l'une des inventions décrites dans le texte et dites si vous acceptez qu'elle ai changé notre façon de vivre, et pourquoi?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Avril 2013  •  421 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 219 Vues

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Choose one of the inventions described in the text and say whether you agree it has changed the way we live, and why? (150Words)

The printing press : I chose the printing press, because as the article asserts, it allowed the “rapid and widespread dissemination of information and knowledge”. To me the widespread access to books is an enrichment for populations. This access allowed people the discovery of a New World, new knowledge and new perspectives. Indeed, books are a bridge to history, the past, the civilizations, the world in its complexity and its wealth. It is only thanks to the invention of the printing press that this knowledge has been “spread beyond a small number of privileged individuals, thus permitting larger numbers to share or debate world views and to build upon past and present ideas ". The description says it “led directly to mass literacy and democracy” and I agree with this sentence, which is the reason why I chose this invention. Since it allowed a considerable revolution, it“ triggered profound and lasting social and political changes”

Books, instead of isolating people, gathers them thereby creating social link around reading, and shared knowledge.

To me the following quote describe this invention and its power perfectly: “if you can't buy happiness, but you can buy books and that's kind of the same thing ...”.

Describe an object of your choice that you feel has changed or revolutionized the way we live for better or for worse (or both)? (150-200 words)


This system was theorized by the physicist D. Fanelli and was set up at first by United States Department of Defense, for the engineers and the researchers' needs. This GPS allows be located and turn on earth, on sea, in the air or in the space in the neighborhood to the Earth.

It is conceived at first to fine scientists, but is then marketed in the 2000s and meets a big success.

In my opinion, this invention is one real revolution in our lives. Today all smartphones are provided with it. Maps papers are seldom used and even walkers refer to these more precise tools. But if this tool took in a few years a considerable placesquare in the life of the people, this invention also has downsides.

The permanent geo-localization of our phones encroaches on our personal life. Applications for phones have been created to the purpose of locating one's friends. To me,this technology interferes in our lives and foreshadows a “big brother is watching you” kind of society.


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