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Par   •  24 Février 2015  •  739 Mots (3 Pages)  •  820 Vues

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The Tale of the Three Mice

Once upon a time, a young woman bought a cat and called it Adrien. This woman needed company because she lived alone in her home. The cat, from the first day in her house, saw three little mice. They used to get lunch, but after seeing the cat the mice were afraid. Then they were entertained by teasing Adrien, who tried to catch them in several reprises, but he seemed powerless. After an exhausting night, the mice decided to leave the house because they were sick of being chased by the cat. In the street, the mice took the road to the south, toward the heat, but the three mice's destinations will be completely different.

Indeed, a storm broke. They put up shelter when suddenly the water mounted. The mice, not knowing how to cope with this flood, were swept up and fell into a sewer. It is in this moment that they lose sight of each other. Unfortunately, the three mice don't join up together.

The first mouse, called Gus, landed in the magical kingdom of Cinderella. The second, called Ratatouille, found himself in Paris; and the third, called Stuart Little, landed with a wealthy family in the French capital.

Physically, Gus was neither fat nor thin, and he was always the first to eat. He liked to joke and that's why he didn't realize their situation. He thought that his brothers played a joke by hiding. He had landed in a wood and had sought Ratatouille and Stuart Little for more than three and a half hours. It was now nightfall. Across from Gus was a very beautiful castle. Although frightened, he advanced and entered the castle. In the first room, he saw a lovely girl, who was doing the household chores. He approached her. Her name was Cinderella. Furious, Cinderella had tried to get out, but Gus helped her later on, and Cinderella was grateful.

Regarding Ratatouille, he was lean and shy. Arriving in Paris, he was amazed, seeing skyscrapers. For him, his dream had become reality; everything was so magical. He remembered that every day women watched the program, "Chief Gusto". Ratatouille found the program very interesting and already saw himself preparing good food for its customers. He, therefore, began looking for this restaurant and began asking help from the mice and rats. When he had finally arrived on the scene, however, Ratatouille fell asleep, awaiting the next day ...

The third brother, called Stuart Little, had more than likely found a house because he landed in the bathroom of a large home. He also began to seek out his brothers, but without much success. Two days later, one could see that the three mice were pleased with their new lives.

Indeed, Gus and Cinderella found amusement together; they danced and played. Moreover, the chores were done more rapidly now because Gus had invited the animals from the woods. That's why Cinderella could ask her family to go to the ball; and it was in order to have the chance to dance with the charming prince. But her stepmother refused because she wanted it to be her daughters' experience. Then, Cinderella cried. The animals, however, found a solution by making a beautiful dress for her.

Concerning Ratatouille, he explored the large kitchen of the restaurant. He had a friend who was an apprentice, who had a lot of difficult cooking to do. Ratatouille wanted to help him. However, the apprentice's colleagues surprised him


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