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Analyse Du Texte: O' Brave New World (ô brave nouveau monde) de Aldous Huxley (document en anglais)

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Par   •  29 Octobre 2013  •  460 Mots (2 Pages)  •  6 061 Vues

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Text “O Brave New World”


The DHC (the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning) →present

The students (l.1, l.5, l.29…) →present

Bokanovsky → just mentioned l.5. He must be a scientist who invented a cloning process (cf “Bokanovsky’s Process l.5)

L.41 “Gammas, Deltas, Epsilons”; “millions of identical twins”→ gammas, deltas, epsilons are cloned human beings “produced” by the factory thanks to Bokanovsky’s process

L.36 “ninety-six identical twins”/l.34 “standard men and women in uniform batches”→these 96 identical twins are the staff/the workers of the factory. Thus the factory is staffed with the clones it has produced.

WHERE? In a small factory (l.34) that produces clones. The scene takes place/is set in the hatchery of the factory (l.3 “the incubators”)

WHEN? Not mentioned/we don’t know/ it is very likely that the scene takes place in the future

WHAT? to give somebody a tour of

The DHC is giving a group of students a tour of the factory. He explains the functioning of the factory and the principle of Bokanovsky’s process. He explains to the students how they clone babies.

Detailed comprehension:

From l.1 to 15: In this part, the Director is explaining the basis/principle of Bokanovsky’s process to the students while (+gerund/BV-ing) showing them test tubes containing eggs and embryos. (while+gerund to express simultaneity)

A bokanovskified egg divides and gives/produces from 8 to 96 buds. Then each/every bud grows into/becomes an embryo which will later grow into a full-sized adult/human being. Thus one egg can produce up to 96 identical human beings! According to the D.H.C., this is Progress (l.11), this is an improvement on nature.

We can notice that the students are zealous, disciplined, attentive, hard-working and silent/quiet. They are noting down everything that the Director is saying (l.15). Some students are so studious that they even write down unimportant/useless/trivial/superfluous details (l.2 “Begin at the beginning”).

From l.16 to 28: In this part, the DHC goes into further details regarding Bokanovsky’s Process. He insists on the impressive results of such a process (“dozens” l.26, “scores” l.27). In “the old viviparous days”(l.25), an egg gave birth to one or two babies. But now, thanks to Bokanovsky’s Process, a single egg can grow into scores of human beings. The DHC seems to be very enthusiastic about this process. He is so elated/joyful that he flings out his arms (l.27-28)

From l.29 to the end: Then one of the students dares (+BV) ask the DHC where the advantage of Bokanovsky’s Process lies/ what the advantage is/what the point is. The Director seems to think that the student’s question is silly/foolish since the advantage of this cloning process is obvious (“Can’t you see?” l.30). So/thus, the DHC looks down on the poor student. He is contemptuous/scornful and haughty towards the student. He


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