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The old oak, Ken Loach

Étude de cas : The old oak, Ken Loach. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Février 2024  •  Étude de cas  •  601 Mots (3 Pages)  •  129 Vues

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DNL HG 1ère                           Questionnaire « The old oak » 

[pic 1]

About Ken Loach 

  1. Complete this map with names of cities

[pic 2] 

  1. Choose another film of Ken Loach, watch the trailer and guess a synopsis
  2. Even if you had never heard about Ken Loach before, try to answer this quiz about his works (justify your choices).  
  • Ken Loach is a(n) a) American b) British director. 
  • His favourite film genre is a) horror b) comedy c) drama 
  • His films are associated with a) romance b) social realism c) fantasy 
  • He likes to portray a) the extraordinary lives of exceptional people b) the ordinary lives of poor people c) the absurd lifestyle of rich people 
  • His point of view in The Old Oak is a) in favor of immigration b) against immigration 
  • His description of the town and its residents is a) idealized b) realistic c) stereotyped 
  • In the film, the pub has a central place as a) a place of debate b) a place of memory c) a place of togetherness 
  • Food is described as a) a subject of division because they do not eat the same things b) a factor of cohesion as they all share the same meals c) a problem because they all starve.  
  • Ken Loach likes to hire « real people » instead of professional actors in his films. For example, Dave Turner, TJ Ballantine in The Old Oak, has never studied acting and only appeared briefly in 2 previous Ken Loach movies. Can you guess why the director chose to give him the leading role? 


 To know more about Ken Loach, listen to this BBC programme about the making of the film :  


Understanding the war in Syria : 


You’ve watched a film whose protagonists are refugees from Syria. What do you know about this conflict?

Why are a lot of Syrians escaping abroad? To know more, explore the following webpage : and answer the following questions:  

  • When did the Syrian war start? 
  • Who is the leader of Syria? How long has he been in power? Who was his predecessor? What sort of regime is it? 
  • Who are the opponents and what do they want? 
  • How many Syrians have already left their country to seek asylum?  
  • Locate Syria on a map. What is its capital city? What are its neighbouring countries? How is this area of the world called? 

A webquest about Easington Colliery 

Check out the town’s Wikipedia page and find the missing information :  

Location : ...................................................... Number of inhabitants : ....................................................

What happened on 29th May 1951? ............................................................................................................ Number of casualties : ……………….

What happened on 7th May 1991? …......................................................................................................Number of jobs in the mine :  


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