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A Harsh Snowy February Night

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Par   •  2 Octobre 2024  •  Compte rendu  •  281 Mots (2 Pages)  •  70 Vues

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A Harsh Snowy February Night

Fortuitous flowers founder their fickle youth,

They spring in may,

Only to fall in June,

Such fleeting looks are never forever,

Such absolute joy - can never be eternal.

I look to Spring for hope,

But only find messages of inevitable grief-

For how sad is it greet,

When a farewell is only around the corner?

Although I am fond of walking amongst green in spring,

I favour the cold absoluteness of winter.

Its steel, erie, stoic purity.

I dislike the colour. Better to enjoy the monotone shades-

Of grey, white, and silver.

My winter days are cold and true.

They do not bring me lies.

Everyday like the next - frigid, grey, windy weather

Cannot make me feel blue.

My branches, thick and shivering,

As I hobble along the street

One small flicker from a streetlight

Illuminates a white winter sheet.

The blanket comfort,

More soothing than rain,

More certain than night

More true than right

Brings me comfort despite changing tides.

But, like the fleeting flower’s smile,

The grimace of winter cannot remain eternal either.

Who are we to remain idle in mood-

When the seasons bring us delight through changing views.


This poem juxtaposes the fleeting beauty of spring with the stark permanence of winter, capturing the tension between transience and solace. The flowers symbolize ephemeral joy, with their vibrant existence ultimately leading to inevitable loss. The speaker's preference for winter suggests a deep appreciation for its cold, unyielding truth, contrasting the deceptive warmth of spring. Despite winter's bleakness, it offers a comforting constancy, represented by the imagery of snow and monochromatic colors. Yet, the poem acknowledges that all seasons, like emotions, are transient. Ultimately, it reflects on the inevitability of change, urging acceptance of life’s cyclical nature.


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