Le Regime Presidentiel
Recherche de Documents : Le Regime Presidentiel. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 8 Mars 2013 • 241 Mots (1 Pages) • 991 Vues
What is the digital revolution the revolution of ? What is turned upside down and
disturbed, reformed and transformed, in the so-called ‘digital revolution’ ? To answer
this, digital revolution is approached here from the point of view of a philosophy of
technology which assumes that our being-in-the-world is fundamentally conditioned
by technique and always has been. The first level of this approach focuses on the
historical structure of the digital revolution. The hypothesis is that the digital
revolution is an event in history that is part of the long process of mechanization in
the West and consists in the advent of a ‘digital technical system’. The second level
concerns the phenomenological structure of the digital revolution. The hypothesis is
that a technical revolution is always ontophanic, that is to say a shaking of the
structures of perception and of the process through which the being appears to us.
This results in phenomenological constructivism, based on the notion of
phenomenotechnique, which ultimately condemns the notion of ‘virtual’. The third
and final level of analysis focuses on the ontophanic structure of the digital
revolution. The hypothesis is that digital ontophany consists of eleven fundamental
characteristics : noumenality, ideality, interactivity, virtuality, versatility, reticularity,
instant reproducibility, reversibility, destructibility, fluidity and ludogeneity. The role of design as a phenomenotechnical activity that shapes the world is therefore
essential in the creative development of the digital ontophany.