Has entering the USA become harder or easier?
Dissertation : Has entering the USA become harder or easier?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar pagi87 • 9 Novembre 2022 • Dissertation • 838 Mots (4 Pages) • 298 Vues
Has entering the USA become harder or easier?
The United States is a country that proclaims freedom and opportunity within its territory. The
United States is considered one of the best places to live after European countries due to its
excellent quality of life indicators but we can also mention that one of the advantages of
emigrating to this country is the great opportunities for entrepreneurship or free enterprise,
thanks to its respect for civil, political and economic liberties. It is a country that guarantees
equality, freedom and individual rights in its constitution to all its citizens.
However, how difficult is it to enter the USA? How complicated can it be to live in the "land
of opportunity" for foreigners? But above all, can you live in the USA without the much desired
green card?
To sum up, there are two options for entering the United States: the legal way or the illegal way.
Let's start by tackling the first option: the legal route. To enter the USA legally, everyone must
meet certain requirements and each one will depend on the country that you come from, we
have, as an example, the Canadian or French citizens who do not need a visa to enter the USA,
but need the approval of the ESTA system (system to determine eligibility to travel without the
VWP to the USA for tourism or business), on the contrary, citizens coming from other
nationalities outside the list of countries of exception will have to have a visa to even enter as
a tourist.
Once in the United States, people who wish to stay there must acquire a "Green Card". There
are several ways to apply for this card; Getting a family-based green card, Getting an
employment-based green card or Winning the green card lottery. But even if you meet the
requirements of one of the three routes, it is still not enough as the cost of this procedure is very
high, the process can take even years and it is recommended to hire a lawyer for this type of
administrative procedure.
If entering the United States legally is very complicated, how do undocumented persons enter?
Well, generally, people without papers enter illegally by land and by sea, with the border
between Mexico and the United States being the most used entry point. Once in American
territory, illegal immigrants theoretically do not have the right to work or receive state aid.
However, these undocumented people sometimes manage